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History [top]

  • Business Practice Number: BP.00.004
  • Version: 3
  • Drafted By: Michael Berman
  • Approved By: James August
  • Approval Date: 08/31/2010
  • Latest Revision Date: 09/13/2023

Purpose [top]

To provide for an order of succession for the Associate Vice President for Information Technology Services (ITS), and other ITS leadership positions in his absence.

Background [top]

Many business processes require the approval or other input of the Associate Vice President for ITS/CIO. In the absence of the AVP, this Business Practice describes the order of succession for ITS. Additionally, business continuity requires that a clear leader be designated for each ITS group in the absence of their normal leadership.

Business Practice [top]

Accountability [top]

Associate Vice President for ITS/CIO  

Applicability [top]

All staff in the ITS Department  

Definition(s) [top]

Text [top]

AVP ITS Order of Succession
When the CIO anticipates being sick, vacationing or otherwise incapacitated or unavailable for the performance of his or her duties, the CIO shall designate another member of the ITS Leadership as the administrator-in-charge. The CIO shall transmit a designation message to department leadership and the division leader, VP of Business and Finance (BFA) via e-mail.

When the CIO is temporarily incapacitated or otherwise unavailable for the performance of his or her duties due to unforeseen circumstances, the duties of administrator-in-charge shall devolve upon the members of ITS Leadership in the following order:

  1. Director of PMO/IT Strategy
  2. Chief Information Security Officer
  3. Director of User Services
  4. Director of Enterprise Applications
  5. Manager of Infrastructure Services.
  6. Manager of User Services

The administrator-in-charge will transmit an assumption-of-duties message to the division leadership and the president’s office via e-mail.

 The designated administrator-in-charge will perform the management functions of the CIO until the CIO returns to duty.

ITS Leadership Order of Succession
Each ITS manager who anticipates an absence from work longer than three working days must designate a member of their group to act as interim coordinator of that group. The manager shall transmit a designation message to the division leadership via e-mail. This team member shall perform any organizational functions required by ITS Business Practices and coordinate the day-to-day operations of that manager’s group.

Exhibit(s) [top]

Assessment History [top]

Description Frequency Role Assigned
Review of Business Practice Annual AVP for Information Technology Services
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