Barbara Clark ’23 B.A. Art and Sheree Gardner Cogan ’23 B.A. Art Barbara Clark |’23 B.A. Art & Sheree Gardner Cogan ’23 B.A. Art 

Best friends support each other through later life degrees

By Marya Barlow

When Sheree Gardner Cogan and Barbara Clark say earning their college degrees took a lot of drive, they mean it – literally and figuratively.

While in their late 60s, the pair supported each other in earning their bachelor’s degrees in Art, driving the 285 miles between their homes in San Luis Obispo and CI together each week for two years.

“It was really important to me to get my degree and so worth it,” Cogan said. “We both kept each other going and motivated.”

Cogan and Clark became friends while taking art courses at Allan Hancock Community College in Santa Maria. Both had raised families and had prior careers – Cogan in interior design and medical marketing, Clark in running a flower and gift shop. 

“Sheree was all about going on to get a bachelor’s degree and at first I wasn’t interested,” said Clark. “But then, I thought, ‘If she’s doing it, why shouldn’t I?’ And she just pushed me along.”

After finishing their associate degrees, both were admitted to CI’s Art program. During their first semester, they traveled to CI by train and bus twice weekly – a 15-hour journey from door to door. Later, they bought a car and enjoyed sharing the drive.

“There was never silence,” Cogan said. “We were always talking, listening to lectures, reading from our books, discussing our papers. We got a lot of study time in the car.”

Chair of the Art program Marianne McGrath, and Lecturer, Christophe Bourely, worked with the pair to create a hybrid schedule that allowed Cogan and Clark to do their work at home and visit campus once a week.

“The professors were so supportive,” Clark said. “They pushed me to grow, take risks, and build a strong portfolio. Even after graduating, they continue to help and push me. I have lifetime mentors and friendships there.”

In May 2023, the two best friends cheered each other on as they received their degrees before friends and family at CI’s commencement ceremony at the South Quad. Both earned 4.0 GPAs and completed their degree in two years as full-time students.

“I’m much more confident now that I have my degree,” Cogan said. “This was a longtime goal for me and now that I’ve done this, I can do anything.” 

Today, they exhibit and sell their work regionally. Cogan specializes in pastels and acrylics; Clark in oil painting. Both are considering getting their teaching credentials so they can teach and inspire other art students. Clark is also applying to Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) programs to continue studying art.

“I’m a forever student,” she said. “I’m so glad to have Sheree as my best friend. It’s just a blessing.”

© Spring 2024 / Volume 28 / Number 2 / Biannual

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