
Safety Committee Meeting
Minutes of July 23, 2014

1) In attendance were:
SETC Safety, Eng. Shop: Marty Jones
DFS Management: Jose Chanes
DFS Management: Wes Cooper
Chemistry Safety: Scott Duffer
Art Safety: Ivan Grooms
Risk Management: Katharine Hullinger
DFS Trades Safety: Theresa Kocis
Safety/Environment: Bill Kupfer, Chair
Biology Safety: Michael Mahoney
Academic Affairs: Gina Matibag
Technology and Communications: Carlos Miranda
Police Department: Mike Morris (Chris Jetton for Mike)
DFS, Unit 5: Ricky Medrano (Patrick Tafoya for Ricky)
DFS Safety: Derrick Nguyen
Health and Safety Manager: Joyce Spencer

Information item: Two new members and two substitute members Carlos Miranda, Theresa Kocis Chris Jetton and Patrick Tafoya were introduced. The Committee charter and membership list were provided for these members, and the purposes of the meeting and the Committee were reviewed.

1) An improved injury investigation form (based on the needs of those who most often do investigations) has been developed. In addition, a new "Supervisor's Accident Investigation Guide" has been written. Both were developed by the EH&S office to assist those doing accident investigations. They were briefly described for the Committee; both are available on the EH&S web site.

2) The Chair presented the injury report. There were 21 injuries since the last Committee meeting on April 14, 2014. Eleven of these injuries were staff members; seven of those worked in the Department of Facilities Services, two in Police, and one each in the Library and Academic Affairs. There were six student and four visitor injuries. Reasonable actions to prevent recurrence are occurring through normal investigation and safety driven processes. The Committee did not discern any unusual patterns or causative agents and made no comment on further actions.

3) Attendee reports of campus activities and any safety concerns.

There was extended discussion of a wide variety of issues, many of which will be managed through existing safety processes. Among unusual or new safety issues discussed are the actionable items listed below.

During summer conferences, at certain times there is a large amount of pedestrian traffic (minors) on campus streets. This traffic often does not stay on sidewalks and there are also conference related transportation vehicles parked on main campus streets contributing to some traffic confusion. The Chair and the Risk Manager will meet with conferencing management to discuss mitigation of these safety issues. The Committee, noting that Housing safety issues arise frequently, recommended that the Chair explore the possibility of including a Housing entity on this Committee. An issue came up regarding a Modoc Hall laboratory door lock that was apparently taped open over-night, apparently with the purpose of allowing access to persons without a key-code. The Chair will contact Academic Affairs administration and Campus Police regarding further action as appropriate. University obligation to manage construction safety in the context of minor capital projects was discussed briefly. These (and other contractor-controlled construction projects) are not performed by University employees, and thus lie outside the direct authority of the University. The Chair noted that defining our within-campus safety obligations for construction projects is apparently done differently on different campuses, any decisions we make should be informed by what is done system-wide, and system-wide coordination may be productive. The Chair will seek system-wide input from EH&S Directors and Facilities Management then report back to the Committee.

4) Agenda deferred

Due to the length of safety reports the Committee did not discuss four items on the agenda:

Status of EH&S Internal Assessments System-wide accident statistics Identification of DFS trainer competencies for high-hazard work Learning Management System initiative

These will be discussed at the next meeting.

Next Meeting
The next meeting will be scheduled in the Fall of 2014.

dist: Safety Committee


Simone Aloisio, Academic Affairs
Gary Berg, Extended Education
Karen Carey, Academic Affairs
Dave Chakraborty, Facilities Services
Amy Denton, Academic Affairs
Elizabeth Hartung, Academic Affairs
Gayle Hutchinson, Academic Affairs
Luke Matjas, Academic Affairs
Damien Pena, Student Affairs
John Reid, University Police
Greg Sawyer, Student Affairs
Ysabel Trinidad, Business and Finance
Josh Wade, CIBC
Dan Wakelee, Academic Affairs

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