
Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP) 

This policy applies to all employees of the University including faculty, all staff, temporary employees, and student employees (with respect to conduct that pertains to their employment status).  University employees and those working on behalf of the University are expected to adhere to this policy at all times, on or off campus, when they are officially representing or acting on behalf of the University, conducting University business and/or attending University-sponsored or financed activities. This policy covers activity at all University-owned and operated properties, facilities, and off-campus locations where University business is conducted.

Report Worplace Violence

Emergencies, dial 911

Or  call UPD at 805-437-8444 (non-emergency) or Hotline at 800-222-8477 (Tips)

Intervention and Action

Intervening early in a threatening or potentially violent situation is vital to preventing its escalation. There are many intervention options, and they vary greatly depending upon the situation. Early intervention may defuse the initial situation and give the supervisor, working with Human Resources, an opportunity to thoroughly review options for resolution. Appropriate intervention sets the tone for how the situation will be resolved so it must be handled deftly.

Anyone must be willing to take action when necessary. All employees must know that violence in the workplace will not be tolerated and that appropriate action will be taken if threats of violence or violence occurs.

º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Policy on Campus Violence

º£½ÇÉçÇøCI has a for violence against any members of the University community.  To fulfill this policy, the University will work to prevent violence from occurring and will ensure that federal and state laws, as well as University regulations prohibiting violence, are fully enforced.  In determining whether conduct constitutes a credible threat or act of violence, the circumstances surrounding the conduct will be considered.

California Senate Bill 553

California SB 553 caused the  to be enacted. While there is no Cal/OSHA regulation as yet, the labor code requires that starting July 1, 2024, the majority of employers in California must establish, implement, and maintain a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan that includes the following elements:

  • Prohibiting employee retaliation
  • Accepting and responding to reports of workplace violence
  • Employee workplace violence training and communication
  • Emergency response
  • Workplace violence hazard assessments
  • Other requirements, such as maintaining a Violent Incident Log

Program Contact Information: 

For emergencies, dial 911. Dispatchers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For questions or concerns on the WVPP, contact: Associate Vice President for Administrative Services and HRO at 805-437-8490 or Risk Management at risk@csuci.edu

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º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Workplace Violence Prevention Program

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