
Standards of practice:

If you arrive 10 minutes late or more to your appointment at Student Health Services you may be asked to reschedule unless the provider’s schedule can accommodate you. Priority will be given to the patients who arrive on time and you may have to be worked in at a later date. This may have a considerable wait. If this is not convenient for you, you may choose to reschedule. The purpose of this standard of practice is that one or two late patients can cause the entire daily schedule to fall behind, which is an inconvenience to the rest of the scheduled patients. We strive to see every patient as close to their appointment time as possible. Therefore, we ask that you please be courteous to your fellow students by arriving on time.

Please call in advance to cancel or reschedule your appointment: 805-437-8828.

Please also be aware that we operate primarily by appointment only. If you walk in requesting a same day appointment, we will try our best to accommodate your request. If we are unable to do so, we will gladly provide information to local Urgent Care clinics that can assist you. This information is also available on our website.

Student Health Services does not issue medical excuses for missed classes. Students are responsible for contacting faculty if too ill to attend class. Students may also contact the Dean of Students office for assistance: 805-437-8512.

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