
Teaching & Learning Innovations is offering multiple opportunities for you to learn about CI Learn, aka Canvas. In addition to the robust available online, we have developed some resources to help get you started. We will also be offering online and in-person learning opportunities. Check our events calendar to stay up to date with our current offerings.

Learning Resources


  • Canvas has all the features of a modern learning management system including the ability to accept and grade assignments, conduct discussions in forums, administer quizzes and exams, store and organize course resources, communicate with students, etc. Canvas has multiple grading tools including rubrics, audio/video feedback and a dedicated grading app. Students can access course materials, view course calendars, to do lists and set their own preferences to receive notifications on their mobile devices.
  • Yes, the Canvas by Instructure app is available on Android and iOS devices. See the for more information.
  • Canvas supports many external tools including Turnitin and VoiceThread so faculty will be able to continue to use these applications in their courses. In addition, there are new external apps available within Canvas such as the ability to directly embed YouTube, Wikipedia, Educreations, Khan Academy, etc.
  • Canvas provides extensive user support resources including , , and instructor training courses. Canvas hosts a number of  for reviewing answers to previously asked questions, posting new questions, and voting up enhancement requests.

    Recommended resources:

    •  - Video (6m 23s)
    •  - Web documentation
    •  - Self-paced course in Canvas
    • 24/7 support from Canvas for faculty through the online chat
    • Official Canvas Support Guides for  and .

- Some information sourced from

Why Canvas?

In Spring 2016, three LMSs were evaluated as part of a . Canvas outperformed the other two systems. Members of the T&LI team at CI were part of the evaluation team and believe that Canvas will be a good fit for CI. For students, Canvas offers an enhanced, contemporary learning experience. For faculty, Canvas offers superior performance in terms of ease-of-use, analytics, grading, course migrations and openness. During the Spring 2017 semester, CI conducted a Canvas pilot.


Michael McGarry
Academic Technology Lead

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