
At the heart of inclusive design is the idea that people experience learning environments differently, so it is within our responsibility as educators to consider this in the planning and delivery of instruction. Additionally, post-pandemic teaching and learning will carry forward digital learning components, even in face-to-face courses. We (in TLi) see this as an opportunity to make sure that our digital content does what we intend it to do (help to facilitate learning) and does not inadvertently include barriers to learning.

Current A.I.D. Initiatives

Accessibility 5-Day Workout

Learn something new in Canvas in just 20 minutes a day over 5 days. The Accessibility workout is fully online and facilitated by our Accessibility & Inclusive Design Lead Specialist. The workout begins Monday, 9/11 - Friday 9/15/2023.

This course covers some of the ways you can improve your Canvas-housed course content, but there is so much more to learn than what is included in this workout. It may stretch you to varying degrees and inspire you to take small steps while familiarizing you with the core tenets of inclusive design and accessibility that apply beyond Canvas (e.g., Microsoft Suite of tools and CI Docs). 

*Registration will close Thursday, 9/7/23*

Register for Accessibility Workout

ALLY Interest Group

You are invited to joining our Accessibility and Inclusive Design (A.I.D.) Lead Specialist, Kristi O'Neil-Gonzalez in a series of sessions meant to serve as informal and informational opportunities to converse and collaborate around a shared interest in accessibility & inclusive design while learning more about ALLY in CI Learn.

We look forward to hosting conversations around this important work, sharing what colleagues are doing, and challenging each other to include accessibility and inclusion in all professional work endeavors.

The ALLY Interest Group is inclusive of all persons working on campus, faculty, staff and administrators in their use of CI Learn (Canvas) and beyond.

The five dates are open sessions, content is decided by those in attendance. 

All sessions will be held in the FIT Studio (Solano Hall 1201) on Thursdays from 1:00- 2:00 PM. You can also join us in Zoom* (*additional registration required)

Ongoing A.I.D. Initiatives

Support for Inclusion by Design

Focused on how to make an upcoming assignment, activity, or engagement in your course more inclusive...by design.

Data Informed Digital Accessibility

Focused on understanding your ALLY Course Accessibility Report.

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