The FY21/22 annual campus budget planning process officially launched on February 25th with the issuance of the annual budget instructions and request workbook which can be found on the Budget & Planning website.
The Business & Financial Affairs final budget package for all funds is due to Budget & Planning on April 16, 2021. As time will be needed to review all requests and compile a comprehensive submission, we are requesting that all units submit their budget packets by the close of business Friday, March 26, 2021.
Guiding Principles
- All funds must be submitted. This includes the operating fund as well as all other funds (auxiliary organizations/public entities, auxiliary enterprise, and other trust funds). Â
- Parking and Dining must submit an updated proforma. A 20-year forecast should be maintained and include sufficient reserve levels for debt coverage. Baseline assumptions must be documented. Reserve designations and major capital investments should also be incorporated.
- No enrollment growth for FY21/22 – 5916 FTES based on the final FY21 academic year census
- As in previous years, new requests require metrics with justification for increases. Each unit will have different metrics based on national, state, or º£½ÇÉçÇø standards.
- With any request, include your strategy and approach to address needs within your unit first with reallocation of funds.Â
- The ultimate goal for the Division is to create a balanced and sustainable ongoing budget that supports the University’s Strategic Initiatives, the IEAP Framework and GI 2025 goals. Â
Strategic Initiative Proposals for Inclusive Excellence
- The SI proposals have been separated from the annual campus budget planning process to allow additional time to incorporate the IEAP framework. Separate communication regarding the specific timeline and fall 2021 due dates will be shared soon.Â
- February 25, 2021 - University Budget Instructions issued
- March 2, 2021 - BFA Budget Instructions issued
- March 9, 2021Â - BFA Budget Discussion at Direct Reports
- March 26, 2021 - Unit Budget Submissions Due to VP Office
- April 6 & 13, 2021 - Consolidated DBFA Budget Review at Direct Reports
- April 16, 2021 - Submit Business & Financial Affairs FY21/22 Budget Packet