The University has many policies in place that affect sponsored projects.  This page lists some policies that are  especially applicable to Research and Sponsored Projects administration, but the list isn't exhaustive.  Other policies may affect the sponsored project that you are considering.  , organized by Division.
Senate and Academic Affairs Policies
- , AA.11.011. The primary purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the administration of externally funded sponsored programs while ensuring the University’s compliance with federal and state laws; º£½ÇÉçÇø Executive Orders and policies; sponsoring agency requirements; º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands (º£½ÇÉçÇøCI) policies; and other applicable laws, regulations and requirements.
- AA.11.002. Provides guidance and structure when allocating and documenting costs (direct and indirect) for extramurally funded awards.  Serves to provide direction for budgeting, allocating and documenting costs, and cost sharing in accordance with federal guidelines and those of º£½ÇÉçÇø & CI.  Establishes that costs be recovered for sponsored programs in accordance with funding agency requirements, and policies of º£½ÇÉçÇø & CI.
Policy on Intellectual Property, AA.01.002.  The University is committed to providing an intellectual environment in which all members of the academic community - whether they are faculty engaged in life-long professional development, students pursuing educational objectives, or staff dedicated to their own career goals - learn to the fullest extent possible. The University also recognizes and values creativity and innovation as part of this learning process. Similarly, the University recognizes the importance of, and wishes to encourage, the transfer of new knowledge generated in the University to the private sector for the public good. At the same time, as a publicly funded institution, the University must be a good steward of the public resources provided to it, and must safeguard against the use of public funds for private gain.
- , AA.01.004. To create consistent, collaborative and widely-understood guidelines for developing institutional proposals for external funding.
- , AA.11.009/SP.15.001. To determine the minimum qualifications, and normal responsibilities of Principal Investigators for Sponsored Programs beyond those imposed by the Sponsor. These qualifications include, but are not limited to, employment by the University or Auxiliary.
- , AA.11.004/SP.13.014.   This document outlines the policy and procedures governing the retention and disposition of records related to grants and sponsored programs conducted under the auspices of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands and its auxiliaries. This makes reference to existing federal and º£½ÇÉçÇø guidelines as well as CI's fiscal records policy. This policy identifies records responsibilities of the following units: Research and Sponsored Programs Office (RSP), Business and Financial Affairs/Financial Services, principal investigators, and Staff assigned to assist PIs with sponsored projects
- , Â SP.14.005/AA.11.007. Â To outline the institutional requirements for reporting and managing financial conflicts of interest related to research and sponsored programs.
- , SP.14.006/AA.11.008.  To outline roles and responsibilities for financial and programmatic monitoring of sponsored program funds awarded to º£½ÇÉçÇø (CI) that are subawarded or subcontracted to another institution.
- , AA.01.005.  To provide guidance concerning the appropriate operation of and uses for unmanned aerial systems related to academic endeavors at º£½ÇÉçÇø (CI). View more information about the use of unmanned aerial systems at CI.
University Statements
The University has made several formal statements on issues that are important.  They can be found  (scroll to the bottom of the page).  Below is a short list of statements that are important for sponsored projects and the CI employees that lead them.