All University-owned Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) must be registered prior to their operation. This page describes this two-step process.
Step A: Register the UAS with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
The FAA requires all small UASs (those weighing between 0.55 lbs and 55 lbs) be registered online. By registering online, you will be listed as that UAS's primary user or custodian for University purposes. To be allowed to register, you must
- be 13 years old or older,
- limit the UAS's use to within the United States, and
- be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident.
If you do not satisfy these criteria, please contact the Research and Sponsored Programs (805-437-8495) for instructions on how to proceed.
To register the UAS online, you will need:
- your CI email address,
- your employee title,
- a Pro-Card (to pay the $5 registration fee),
- the University's physical/mailing address is "1 University Dr, Camarillo, CA, 93012",
- the UAS's type (i.e., "home built" or purchased),
- the UAS manufacturer,
- the UAS model, and
- the UAS's serial number (unless the UAS is "home built").
Special instructions: When you register, select "Non-Model Aircraft" as your account type.
Once you have the above information in hand, you are ready to (i.e., at
After you register, you can view "Your Registered Inventory" to find your alphanumeric certificate number. You will also be emailed a certificate of registration suitable for lamination. Your registration is valid for three years.
Step B: Register the UAS with the University
By registering your UAS with the University, your UAS is added to a º£½ÇÉçÇø insurance policy that provides liability insurance when the UAS is operated by a University employee or student. (More insurance info can be found below.) The UAS Board will not approve any request to fly that involves uninsured UASs.
To register the UAS with the University, you will need:
- your CI email address,
- your employee title,
- the location where the UAS will be stored,
- the UAS manufacturer,
- the UAS model,
- the UAS's serial number (unless the UAS is "home built"),
- your FAA-issued user registration number (obtained through the FAA online registration process).
If you want to register multiple UASs at one time, you may use one of these templates (XLS spreadsheet (, 33kb), or CSV file) to record the required registration information and upload the file through the registration form (linked below). Note that the spreadsheet includes instructions but the CSV file does not.
When you successfully register your UAS(s) with the University, you will receive an official letter from the UAS Board that will include an inventory number for each UAS.
When you are ready, you can register your UAS with the University [].
A Note on Insurance
Liability insurance is automatically provided for University owned and registered UASs up to 100 lbs total weight at take-off (including all on-board equipment, fuel, etc.). However, current University policy only addresses the operation of small UAS, those weighing 55 lbs points or less. If your UAS weighs more than 55 lbs, please contact a member of the UAS Board.
Each claim or suit arising from an approved event carries a $35,000 deductible. The insurance overage limit is $20M. Damage to the UAS itself is NOT covered, but additional hull insurance is available for purchase by the operator. (Such a purchase must must also include the Aviation Liability insurance shown on the application and rates. Contact Katharine Hullinger in Risk Management, at (805) 437-8846, for details.)