Program Offered
- Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts
The Performing Arts Program at º£½ÇÉçÇø offers a broad, integrated undergraduate experience in music, theatre, and dance, with attention to the relatively new fields of audience and performance studies. The core courses provide the base necessary for building an educational and professional career in the performing arts.
Core courses offer experience in each of the three major areas of the performing arts–Dance, Music and Theatre–with special attention to current and future trends. Students also choose an emphasis to follow through one of the following areas:
- The Music emphasis (PAMU) provides concentrated study in commercial music and musical theatre.
- The Dance emphasis (PADA) provides concentrated study in dance performance and musical theatre.
- The Theatre emphasis (PATH) provides concentrated study in acting, directing and musical theatre.
The Performing Arts degree program stresses interdisciplinarity and the multicultural, global perspectives that are the hallmarks of º£½ÇÉçÇøCI. In addition to gaining expertise and experience in their chosen fields of Dance, Music, or Theater, students will gain interdisciplinary experience in the performing arts, with education and experience in the intersections between the fields.
Careers [top]
The Performing Arts major will prepare students for further study and for entry into the performing arts professions.
Program Learning Outcomes [top]
Performing Arts students will develop their abilities to think critically, analyze written and visual texts, express themselves effectively in written, physical and spoken forms, and to apply multiple theoretical perspectives to their own performances and the performances of others.
Faculty [top]
Jacquelyn Kilpatrick, Ph.D.
Professor of English and Chair, English Program
Bell Tower West, Room 1235
Bob Mayberry, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
Bell Tower West, Room 1141
Ted Lucas, Ph.D.
Provost and Professor of Music
Bell Tower West, Room 2188
Contact Information [top]
Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts (120 Units) [top]
Core Requirements: 18 units
Emphasis: 21 units
General Education: 39 units
Upper Division Interdisciplinary GE: 9 units
Title V Courses: 6 units
Performing Arts Electives: 12 units
Electives in any discipline: 15 units
Total Required Units: 120 units
Performing Arts Core Courses (18 Units)
PA 101 Introduction to the Performing Arts (3)
PA 202 Integrating Dance, Music and Theatre (3)
PA 335 Business and the Performing Arts (3)
PA 350 Audience and Performance Studies (3)
PA 360 Musical Theatre (3)?PA 436 Physics of Performing Arts (3)Ìý
Emphasis Requirements
(Students choose either Dance, Music, or Theater as an emphasis.)
Dance Emphasis (21 units)
PADA 151 Conditioning for Dancers (3)
PADA 253 Jazz Dance I (3)
PADA 254 Modern Dance I (3)
PADA 353 Jazz Dance II (3)
PADA 354 Modern Dance II (3)
PADA 458 Dance Ensemble (3)
PADA 499 Performing Arts Capstone Internship in Dance (3)
Music Emphasis (21 units)
PAMU 100 Music Appreciation (3)
PAMU 261 Music Theory (3)
PAMU 363 Music History (3)
PAMU 330 Jazz in America (3)
PAMU 109 Private Lessons (1)
PAMU 307 University Chorus (1)
PAMU 308 University Orchestra (1)
PAMU 309 Private Lessons (1)
PAMU 499 Performing Arts Capstone Internship in Music (3)
Theatre Emphasis (21 units)
PATH 280 Acting I (3)
PATH 281 Play Analysis (3)
PATH 380 Acting II (3)
PATH 382 Directing (3)
PATH 481 Production (3) (Repeated once for 6 units)
PATH 499 Performing Arts Capstone Internship in Theatre (3)
Strongly Suggested Elective courses
PA/HIST 338 Theatre in History (3)
PATH/ENGL 410 Shakespeare's Plays (3)
Performing Arts Electives
12 units of electives from the following list:
(Note–some courses listed as electives are required in one of the emphases but remain electives for the other two emphases.)PA/ART 383 Scenic Design (3)
PA /ART 384 Costume Design (3)
PAMU 100 Music Appreciation (3)
PAMU 109 Private Lessons (1)
PAMU 200 History of Rock (3)
PAMU 307 University Chorus (1)
PAMU 308 University Orchestra (1)
PAMU 309 Private Lessons (1)
PAMU 330 Jazz in America (3)
PAMU 333 The Varieties of Musical Experience (3)
PAMU/PHYS 335 The Physics of Music (3)
PAMU/ARTÌý336 Art and Music: Dissonance, Diversity and Continuity (3)
PAMU 343 Teaching Music to Children (3)
PAMU/ART/ENGL 432 Arts of the Harlem Renaissance (3)
PATH/ENGL 332 Teaching Dramatic Literature (3)
PATH/ENGL 333 Multicultural Drama in PerformanceÌýand Production (3)
PATH/ENGL 412 Drama of Ancient Greece (3)
PATH/ENGLÌý444 Original Practice in Renaissance Drama (3)
PATH/ENGL 463 Writing for the Stage and Screen (3)