General Advisement
Advising Center
Bell Tower, Room 1552 (All academic advising appointments are currently online via Zoom. The Bell Tower building is NOT open to the public. )
Campus Map
As of 3/17/2020, º£½ÇÉçÇøCI has transitioned to a virtual environment for all campus operations including academic advising. All buildings on campus now have restricted access, and are not open to the public.
- E-mail us at
- Call us at 805-437-8571 (For a faster response, please email
While working remotely, our staff will check voicemail daily, except for weekends and holidays. Leave your name, student ID and phone number. We will respond within 24-48 hours.
Advising Model
The role of advising is shared by major (faculty) advisors and professional academic advisors. Academic advising is a continuous process that supports students throughout their academic journey at the University. Students are ultimately responsible for their educational planning and meeting all graduation requirements. Students need to be familiar with the University policies, as well as major and degree policies. All advising regarding the major is done by major advisors. In order to ensure academic success and remain on course, students are encouraged to maintain regular contact with academic and major advisors.
Students may stop by the Advising Center to schedule an appointment with one of our academic advisors. Academic advisors are busiest during registration periods and the first few weeks of the semester. Students are encouraged to schedule advising sessions during the non-peak times. Major advisors are available on a walk-in basis or by appointment. Each semester, office locations, hours and phone numbers of major advisors are posted in the display case outside the Advising Center.
Advising Center Hours
As of 3/17/2020, º£½ÇÉçÇøCI has transitioned to a virtual environment for all campus operations and academic instruction until further notice. All buildings on campus now have restricted access, are not open to the public. Academic advising appointments will be conducted online via Zoom.
- Monday - Friday 8:30a.m. - 5:00p.m.