Junior Year
This is a time to narrow down your options for further evaluation and assessment. Seek opportunities to improve your skills and knowledge. Plan to meet with the professional academic advisors in the Advising Center and your faculty advisor. Meet with a Career Counselor to narrow down your career options and develop an action plan.
• Visit the Advising Center and schedule a STAR appointment if you are a new transfer student or have not met with an academic advisor to determine remaining GE requirements, transferable courses, possible course substitutions and major requirements.
• Familiarize yourself with the academic system: catalog, registration procedures, and deadlines for adding/dropping (third week of the semester).
• Enroll in the University 300 class (University Life and College Success for New Transfer Students).
• Think about adding another major, minor or emphasis to expand your career options.
• Work hard in your courses so that you earn a high grade point average in your major. Employers sometimes ask potential employees about their overall grade point average in their major.
• Get to know the professors in your major by stopping in during office hours and asking them questions. The main purpose is two-fold: to gain information and to have the professor remember you when it comes time to write letters of recommendation for jobs or graduate school. Professors have extensive information about their fields, and most are willing to share, if students show an interest. Inquire about research projects they are working on that you could become involved with.
• Seek assistance from the University Writing and Multiliteracy Center or the Learning Resource Center.
• Attend lectures and special presentations on campus.
• Participate in the Campus Reading Celebration.
• Meet with a Career Counselor to identify your values, interests and goals related to post-graduate options.
• Attend workshops offered by Career Development Services and research employment or internship opportunities.
• Gain career-related work and leadership experience through internships, jobs and volunteer activities.
• Research companies, non-profits, government agencies, schools, colleges, etc. to see where your passion is and what type of environment is your best fit.
• Go to job fairs to get an idea of what is being offered.
• If your career choice requires an advanced degree, start researching and applying now. Find out what admissions tests are necessary and start studying well in advance. Be aware of application deadlines and start collecting application materials such as letters of recommendation and transcripts.
• Adjust to CI life and connect to resources, people and activities.
• Learn about and join on campus.
• Consider applying for a Resident Assistant position (after completing first semester).
• Share your knowledge with younger students by tutoring, counseling or advising.
• Explore community service activities.
• Consider attending the Graduate School Fair.