
Your CARR is an electronic report that outlines General Education, Graduation, Major and Minor requirements for students. The report is conveniently located in your Student Center. Use your CARR to prepare for Advising appointments and review it regularly to complete your degree requirements at CI.

View your CARR

View your CARR by following these steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. Select CI Records in the Services section
  3. In your Student Center, click the drop down menu under Academics
  4. Select "CARR: CI Academic Requirements" and click the arrows

How to View Your CI Academic Requirements Report (, 230K)

How to View your CARR

CARR Overview

Tools for Success

This video overviews all three Student Success Tools. Please visit each of their webpages for additional tutorials.

Your CARR and Requesting Changes

General Education

G.E. courses can satisfy various subcategories. Please ensure courses you have taken are displaying in the G.E. Category area you intended. You can request courses to be moved to a different location by sending an email to registrar@csuci.edu.

An example: You took PA 101 at CI, which can meet GE Area A1 or GE Area C1. The CARR gave you credit for GE Area A1, but you would prefer GE Area C1 credit.

California Community College G.E. Pattern

You can determine if your º£½ÇÉçÇø G.E. Certification or IGETC were processed by reviewing the General Education title in your CARR. If you are certified, the title of your G.E. area will state either "º£½ÇÉçÇø GE Certification pattern" or "IGETC Certification pattern".

Send an email to registrar@csuci.edu requesting a review of your transfer credit for º£½ÇÉçÇø GE Certification.

Majors & Minors

Your major and minor displays in the header at the top left corner of your CARR. To change your major or claim a major, minor, emphasis, option or concentration submit a (Adobe Sign).


You can determine if your approved Substitution Request was processed by reviewing your CARR. Send an email to registrar@csuci.edu and ask for your approved Substitution Request to be processed in your CARR.

What-If Reports

The What-If Report is a simulated CARR for students considering changing their major. You can also browse the catalog and simulate courses for enrollment. You have the option to simulate results for both the major and courses in the same report or separately. For more information on What-If Reports.


Advisor use:


Academic Advising
Registrar's Office
Transfer Credit Report

Contact Information:

Advising Center
Bell Tower, Room 1595
Phone: 805-437-8571
TDD: 805-437-3331
Email: advisement@csuci.edu

Enrollment Center
Sage Hall, Room 1020
Phone: 805-437-8500
TDD: 805-437-3331
Email: registrar@csuci.edu

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