
Senior Year

You should know where you are going and what you want. It is time to do the following: learn more about the world of work, improve your job search skills by securing another internship, continue to utilize CI resources, develop an action plan to meet your graduation day goal (whether it includes employment, graduate/professional school, or a short-term transitional program).


  • Check your CARR and make sure all requirements have been met or are in progress.
  • Send out graduate school applications and complete appropriate financial aid forms on time, if applicable.
  • Master writing, oral communication and computer skills.
  • Attend lectures and special presentations on campus.
  • Participate in the Campus Reading Celebration.


  • Make an appointment early in the year with a counselor in Career Development Services to get assistance on goals related to post-graduate options, job leads, resume and cover letter writing or critiquing, and assistance in interviewing.
  • Attend workshops offered by Career Development Services for successful job search tactics.
  • Get another internship! Building your resume while you are in school will give you experience to go along with your degree, making you more marketable upon graduation.
  • Continue conducting informational interviews with people in your field of choice, or talk with alumni about their first year on the job and some of the challenges you can expect.
  • Obtain letters of recommendation from professors, employers, advisors, counselors, and others now while they still remember you. Ask for their permission to include them as a reference on job applications or for graduate schools.
  • Go to job fairs to distribute your resume and familiarize yourself with opportunities that are available.
  • Network with your contacts from informational interviews or internships to identify job opportunities and receive referrals.
  • Contact professional organizations in your career field. They have the latest information about trends in the field; ask about upcoming seminars they may be sponsoring nearby - another great way to network.


  • Evaluate your interests and values to determine your post-graduation plans.
  • Periodically review your career and life goals.
  • Develop a budget and evaluate financial responsibilities.
  • Develop a list of professional and academic references.
  • Attend senior-focused events (i.e. Grad Fair, Grad Fest).
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