The following activities and uses are prohibited unless advance written permission from the appropriate University official as noted below is obtained.
A. Posters/Fliers, Banners (horizontal/vertical), Lawn Signs, and Chalking require advance approvals as noted below:
- Students, student clubs and organizations: approved by at
- Entities (Student Government, Student Programming, or CI View): approved by the ASI Executive Director, Helen Alatorre (, or designee
- Non-Affiliates (any person who is not a 海角社区CI student, employee, officer, auxiliary employee, official 海角社区CI volunteer, alumni, or emeritus of the 海角社区): approved by Communication & Public Relations at
Approved requests for posters or fliers should be dropped off to Communication & Public Relations (C&PR) located inside Rush Hall, Room 1650, at least 7-10 business days prior to an event/activity or announcement. Materials will be posted by C&PR within 2-4 business days and will remain posted for a maximum of 14 calendar days. Postings will be removed as noted by C&PR鈥檚 posting expiration date or within 24 hours of the event/activity concluding.
All postings are subject to the following:
- Posting content must include the name of the event/activity, date, time, and place of the event/activity; website address and contact information.
- Postings are prohibited from the following: acoustic boards, building walls/lobbies, balconies, benches, bridges, bus shelters, doors, fences, fountains, sculptures, light posts, newspaper or magazine racks, permanent way-finding signage, railings, restrooms or stalls, stairwells, traffic mirrors or control signs, trees, trash or recycling receptacles, and windows.
- Large event posters approved will be placed on walls immediately adjacent to bulletin boards and only removable putty or blue masking tape will be used to adhere to the wall.
- Stickers, including foot signs, may not be posted onto any indoor or outdoor surfaces.
- Tacking, painting, pasting, marking, writing, gluing, stapling or otherwise affixing signage is not allowed on any surfaces.
- Employees may post materials on their own office doors, windows or bulletin boards.
Approved horizontal banners to promote campus events/activities should be dropped off to University Events located inside Rush Hall, Room 1612, at least 7-10 business days prior to the event/activity. Approved horizontal lawn banners installed by University Events staff using aluminum frames provided by their office should not exceed 36鈥 x 96鈥 in size and produced with at least 2 wind slits. All other approved horizontal banners in other sizes may be displayed outdoors up to 14 calendar days prior to an event/activity.
Approved vertical (feather) banners that identify a tent/service or greeting for University-related events/activities, or approved lawn letter signs with H-wire supports that provide a brief message such as 鈥淲elcome,鈥 鈥榃elcome Dolphins,鈥 鈥楥ongratulations Graduates,鈥 or 鈥楶roud First-Gen,鈥 and temporary signs with H-wire supports for directional signage for Housing & Residential Education move-in days, may be used for University-related events/activities and displayed a maximum of 14 calendar days prior to events and activities. Feather banners and lawn letter signs should be removed within 1-2 business days after the event or activity has concluded. Corrugated signs with H-wire supports with messaging to promote events/activities are not allowed.
Approved posters on display boards (鈥楢鈥 frames) may be used to promote campus events or activities and displayed a maximum of 14 calendar days prior to events and activities and in accordance with Public Safety鈥檚 Sign Placement Procedures. Vehicle or pedestrian directional signage for campus events or activities should not exceed 24鈥 x 36鈥 in size and shall be placed by University staff in accordance with Public Safety鈥檚 Sign Placement Procedures.
Chalking (water-soluble only) is required to be approved in advance as noted above (section VI. A) and is only allowed for University-related events, activities, and academically-related activities. Chalking may be displayed a maximum of 7 calendar days prior to an event or activity and must adhere to the posting prohibited areas as noted above. Approved chalking requests also require a space reservation by contacting University Events, or 805-437-3900. Chalking should be removed within 1-2 business days after the event or activity has concluded by Facilities Services staff. The requestor will be responsible for any costs associated with cleaning or removal of the chalking as completed by Facilities Services.
Outdoor Temporary Displays
Approved outdoor temporary displays or exhibits for University-related events or activities
may be displayed a maximum of 14 calendar days. These require advance approval from
the designated approver noted above (section VI. A), and a space reservation must
be made through University Events, or 805-437-3900. Displays or exhibits that need to be secured to the ground due to
size or weight, may only be installed and removed by Facilities Services staff. The
requestor will be responsible for any costs associated with installation and removal
of the display or exhibit.
Handbills and Circulars
Non-commercial handbills and circulars (i.e., promotional and informational materials)
may be distributed by hand at public and limited areas identified in this campus addendum.
These promotional and informational materials may not be attached to vehicle windshields or left behind at any interior or exterior spaces
of the campus. Inquiries may be directed to C&PR at or 805-437-8415.
Postings for Non-commercial or Commercial Solicitations/Transactions
Requests for postings of non-commercial or commercial solicitations/transactions by
non-affiliates (members of the public, businesses, or non-profits) require a sample
of the materials to be emailed to C&PR at in advance for review and approval. Postings for private sales are not allowed.
Once approved, the requestor may deliver the materials to C&PR located in Rush Hall, Room 1650. C&PR staff will post the materials for a maximum of 14 calendar days for a single event or activity. Materials will not be posted inside classrooms. All postings shall be removed by C&PR staff within 1-2 business days after the event has concluded, or by the expiration date noted on the posting.
Non-affiliates who wish to conduct non-commercial solicitation such as ballot or petition signature-gathering, information provided by non-profit organizations, free merchandise, or other non-commercial solicitations, are allowed without advance approval at designated public or limited areas as noted in this campus addendum. Inquiries may be directed to C&PR at or 805-437-8415.
Non-affiliates interested in doing business (commercial transactions) on University property require advance approval from the Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs or their designee. Space reservation fees for commercial sales are required through University Events, or 805-437-3900.
University-affiliated individuals (students or employees) who wish to host or invite vendors/businesses to do business (commercial transactions) for date-specific events on University property, require advance approval from the Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs or designee, as well as University Events for the purpose of reserving campus space; Procurement for the purpose of ensuring vendors/businesses provide required insurance documents; if applicable, Environmental Health & Safety for verification of food health permits; and approval from the areas noted below:
- ASI Entities (Student Government, Student Programming, or CI View): approved by the ASI Executive Director Helen Alatorre or designee
- Students, student clubs and organizations: approved by Student Organizations & Involvement at
Student Union Exterior Displays
Requests for banners to be hung from the Student Union balcony (facing the Treehouse
Courtyard) to promote a campus event or activity require advance approval from the
ASI Executive Director or designee. Banners may be displayed up to 14 calendar days
prior to an event or activity and should be installed (and removed) by Student Union
staff by contacting or 805-437-2622.
Lawn signs with H-wire supports may be displayed with advance approval from the ASI Executive Director or designee, near the Student Union building to promote Student Government elections or candidates. These approved lawn signs may be displayed a maximum of 14 calendar days prior to student government elections.
The Student Union may display corrugated lawn signs with H-wires or posters on folding display boards (鈥楢鈥 frames) to promote ASI events or activities at the Student Union Treehouse Courtyard or nearby lawns with advance approval from the ASI Executive Director or designee. Approved signs or display boards (鈥楢鈥 frames) may be displayed a maximum of 14 calendar days prior to the events or activities.
B. Flying of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) (also known as a drone) from, on or around University Property requires advance written approval from the University Police Department. If the drone is being flown for academically-related research being conducted by faculty and/or with students, advance written approval is required from the .
C. Use of University Property for commercial purposes is prohibited unless prior written permission has been obtained from the Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs or their designee.
D. Use of University Flagpoles. University Flagpoles are reserved for official University use only. Flags flown on outdoor, permanently installed flagpoles located on University Property serve as a means of expression of the University鈥檚 official sentiments as determined by the University President or the Chancellor, as applicable. They are not a forum for free expression or expressive conduct by members of the University community or the public. Other flags may not be displayed or attached to prohibited areas on campus as noted above (section VI. A) in this campus addendum.