
The charge of the University Graduate Council includes:

1. Promote and support graduate education within the University and community, specifically building a foundation and infrastructure for future graduate office, division, school or college.
2. Formulate, review, and recommend to the APPC graduate curricular policy;
3. Review and provide feedback to proposals for graduate and post baccalaureate degrees and credential programs, graduate academic certificate programs, and graduate courses of study in both on- and off-campus/distance learning programs based on approved criteria and procedures prior to the established curriculum approval process;
4. Proposing recommendations to the appropriate University/Senate committee for academic policies and procedures for theses, projects, and comprehensive examinations;
5. Monitoring administration and implementation of policies related to the graduate writing course requirement;
6. Submit an annual report to the Vice Provost each April;
7. Maintain close liaison with the APPC and consult with this body on policy issues of mutual interest, such as scheduling, grading, calendar preparation, registration, and resources and services provided to support and ensure graduate student success; and
8. Establish criteria, standards, and procedures for all aspects of graduate course offerings.

See the Graduate Studies Council Resolution for more information

2023-2024 Graduate Council Current Members Include:

Jessica Lavariega Monforti, Vice Provost and Co-chair of Graduate Council
Sara Alcala, Graduate School Specialist & Academic Advising Analyst • Graduate Studies Center
Michael Iglesias, Graduate Student Representative
Tiina Itkonen, Professor - Education & Political Science, SOE representative
Jeanne Grier, Council Co-chair Department Chair & Professor - Teacher Education, SOC representative
Jessica Muth, Instructor - Business, MVS representative
Kevin Volkan, Professor - Psychology, A&S representative

Ex-official Council Members

Susan Andrzejewski, Dean for the MVS School of Business & Economics
Kyra Folk-Farber, Associate Dean of Library and Learning Resources and Scholarly Communications
Jaime Hannans, Associate Dean of Extended University
Vandana Kohli, Dean of Arts & Sciences
Sohui Lee, Associate Professor and Faculty Director-Writing & Multiliteracy Center • Library
Elizabeth Rielly, Dean of the School of Education
Vacant, Research & Sponsored Projects

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