Exam Success and Accommodations
Your academic success and access to DASS accommodations are our priority. If you’ve been approved for alternative testing accommodations, it’s important to follow the required guidelines to ensure these supports are available.
Testing Accommodations may include:
- Extra time
- Private room
- Screen reader
- A scribe
- Breaks
- Computer use
- Enlarged print
Student Responsibility
Scheduling Exam Accommodations
- Plan Ahead for Exams
- Review your syllabi for all exam dates and schedule them early to ensure a stress-free exam experience.
- Submit Exam Requests via the DASS Online Portal
- Log in and submit exam requests at least 7 BUSINESS DAYS in advance
- Learn the steps on
- Modify Requests If Needed
- If your instructor changes an exam date or time, you can update your request online without penalties.
- Questions?
- Email: accommodations@csuci.edu
- Visit: DASS Office, 2nd Floor, Arroyo Hall.
DASS Proctoring Hours
Regular Proctoring Hours:
- Monday–Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
- Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Final Exam Week:
- Proctoring hours may differ from campus final exam schedule.
- Registered DASS students will receive email reminders about the updated schedule.
Study and Testing Resources
Tutoring Resources
- Visit the Learning Resource Center located in the Broome Library, Room 2730.
- Visit the Writing & Multiliteracy Center located in the Broome Library, Room 2675
Understanding Test Anxiety
- Meditation- Mindful Breathing Exercise