Documentation for Housing Accommodation Requests:
Supporting documentation from a licensed professional (e.g., physician, psychologist) is required to verify housing requests. Applications without documentation will be placed on hold, and forms completed by students will not be reviewed.
Types of Documentation for Housing Requests
Students Without Documentation of a Disability:
- If you do not have supporting documentation from a licensed professional, you can submit a Self-Report Form (, 664KB).
- However, supportive documentation from another source (i.e., licensed professional) is typically needed to establish eligibility.
Documentation for Housing Accommodation Requests:
- If you are requesting a private bedroom, ADA bedroom, private bathroom, or accessible furniture, you must provide documentation from a licensed professional to verify your need through this form: Addendum: Housing Accommodations Request (, 222K).
Documentation for Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Requests:
- For ESA requests, provide documentation from a licensed professional prescribing the animal as part of your treatment plan through this form: Addendum: Request for Emotional Support Animal in Housing Form (, 161K)
- Unacceptable ESA documentation includes prescription pad notes, vague statements about
"prescribing" an emotional support animal, online agency letters, or letters from
professionals without a therapeutic relationship with the resident.
- Read the for more information.
Guidelines for ESA Requests:
- It is strongly recommended to submit ESA requests within the application timeframe.
Although DASS may approve an ESA request, students must first coordinate with HRE staff before bringing their ESA to campus. This process includes completing a housing contract and allowing adequate time for HRE staff to notify suite-mates.
- ESAs must not compromise the health or safety of others. If a suite-mate cannot live with an ESA for health reasons, HRE may reassign rooms.
- ESAs must comply with, be housebroken, and exhibit controlled behavior before arriving on campus. Disruptive behavior may lead to removal.
- Approved ESAs are allowed only in HRE housing, not in other campus buildings. For questions, contact a DASS counselor.