
An Honorarium is a fee paid in appreciation for a service provided by an individual invited to make a campus presentation on a specific topic identified by the appointing authority. An Honorarium cannot be an aid to any current employee, faculty member, or student worker. An Honorarium, per IRS regulations, is reportable as income by the University.

An Honoraria is not paid for: 

  • Consulting Services
  • Service Agreements 
  • Student Assistants 
  • Services of Personnel (must be hired through normal recruitment or temporary help) 

Honoraria can be paid up to $1,000 on a direct pay form.  The following documents must be submitted in advance to Accounts Payable: 

  • Check Request Form
  • Offer Letter –Currently we don’t require an invoice direct for HON – we ask for the offer letter.

If the amount to be paid or reimbursed to the individual or company is more than $1,000: 

  1. Requestor completes and submits to vendordata@csuci.edu. 
  2. Requestor submits a Request for Good or Service (RGS) with offer letter included in CFS. Once RGS is approved by Department Approving Official, a Buyer will be assigned.
  3. Buyer prepares Standard University Agreement for Honorarium Signature. Once returned to Buyer, the purchase order is processed.
  4. Once processed, Buyer provides copies of the Standard Agreement to the presenter, the requesting department, and Accounts Payable.
  5. Once the Honorarium completes service, the requesting department submits an invoice to  Accounts Payable using the .
  6.  Accounts Payable issues a check to Honorarium within 30 working days of receipt of invoice. 

A fee cannot be paid to any current employee, permanent, part-time, full-time or temporary. 

An Honorarium, per IRS regulations, is reportable as income by the University. 

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