
Student Housing Parking

Parking regulations are enforced at all times; please note that there are NO "no-cite" days. A valid parking permit must be displayed on cars 24/7/365.

Residents who bring a vehicle to campus will need to purchase a Student Housing parking permit from Parking Services each semester.

Limited parking permits are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to residents for the designated Student Housing parking lots (SH1, SH2, & SH-UG).

Alternative Transportation Options

A transportation alternative is simply an alternative to one-car, one-driver commuting. The alternative may be in the form of a carpool, bus, bicycle, motorcycle, or as a pedestrian. Each of these alternatives offers benefits to you as well as to the campus community in the following ways:

  • Saves money
  • Saves auto wear and tear
  • Reduces traffic congestion
  • Reduces parking problems
  • Provides cleaner air
  • Provides an environment to meet new friends

There are a variety of transportation alternatives available to students:

Bike Riding | VCTC Intercity Bus | Ride Matching | Zipcar | Walking | Transit Mix

For additional information, please contact Transportation & Parking Services at 805-437-8430 or parking@csuci.edu.

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