
CHRS Time and Labor Self-Service (TLSS)

Time & Labor Self-Service (TLSS) is an electronic time reporting tool (timesheet) that is accessed  via myCI. At the beginning of each pay period, time reporters (students, hourly, intermittent staff, and rehired annuitants) should begin entering their time worked into their TLSS timesheet. Daily entry is recommended in order to ensure that the timesheet remains as up to date as possible. Reported time will be reviewed and approved by the employee's Manager (or designated approver). Timesheets are to be submitted by the first day of the following pay period. If an employee does not submit their timesheet by the reporting deadline, they will no longer be able to access the timesheet for that pay period.

Report Fractions of Hours as Tenths
Minutes Tenths Minutes Tenths
1 - 6 0.1 31 - 36 0.6
7 - 12 0.2 37 - 42 0.7
13 - 18 0.3 43 - 48 0.8
19 - 24 0.4 49 - 54 0.9
25 - 30 0.5 55 - 60 1

For example, if an employee starts work at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 10:15 a.m., the employee should report 2.30 hours for the day and not 2.25 hours.

Student Employees

A student can work up to 20 hours per week during the school year. This weekly maximum applies to all student employees, including those holding multiple student job classifications. Hours from all positions are combined to determine the weekly maximum. Students holding more than one job should inform their departments of the multiple appointments to ensure that all hours worked do not exceed the weekly maximum. When school is not in session (spring, summer, or winter breaks), student employees may work up to a maximum of 40 hours per week, but may not be scheduled to work overtime. Overtime is defined as more than 40 hours per week.

Accessing TLSS

Step-by-step instructions for entering time are available at the link below:

Time Approvers

The main functions of an Approver are to review employee submitted time, advise employees when corrections are necessary, and approve time by the approval deadline. Approvers have the ability to enter changes on behalf of an employee and may include a comment addressing why the change was made. 

Late Timesheets

Time for prior payroll cycles cannot be entered via TLSS. A paper timesheet must be completed and submitted to the Approver for signature, scanning, and emailing to payroll.services@csuci.edu.  Timesheets are available at Payroll Forms under "Time Reporting Forms".

Additional Resources


For CHRS Time and Labor related questions email payroll.services@csuci.edu or leave a message on the Payroll Services voice mail, ext. 3630, and a payroll representative will contact you.



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