

Information Technology Services (ITS) partners with campus stakeholders using a two-tiered governance or advisory model. ITS does this to ensure that º£½ÇÉçÇøCI has a sounding board to address technology initiatives in support of institutional strategy. This model helps facilitate an on-going dialogue between campus constituents and technical resources working across divisions. This model also helps to manage change, prioritize, plan, and maintain compliance.

There are six tier-2 sub-committees. These six sub-committees receive guidance from the tier-1 Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC).

IT Project Request Intake, Review, and Assignment 

All requests for IT Projects are submitted through the ticketing system (myCI access is require). Each request is reviewed by the Project Management Office within 2 weeks of submittal. Requesters will be contacted by a representative in the Project Management Office to gather additional information about the project’s business case.

Part of the review process is to determine how the campus may be impacted. If work on a proposed or requested project has the potential to impact any of the six impact areas listed below it will be ear marked as possibly needing the sub-committee associated with that type of impact to serve in an advisory role throughout the project’s lifecycle. However, prior to the project request being sent to the specified advisory group, the business case will be reviewed by the Project Management Team, including the initial project request reviewer, Chief Information Officer, and the Director of IT Strategy. Internal ITS project request review meetings take place weekly. When applicable, the ITS project review team may decide to forward one project request to more than one advisory/governance sub-committees.

If and when a project request is forwarded for review to by one or more sub-committees the project requester and sponsor will be notified and asked to co-present the project’s business case during the sub-committee’s monthly meeting.

Not all project requests are routed through the sub-committee(s) for review. If the Project Management Team, including the initial project request reviewer, Chief Information Officer, and the Director of IT Strategy determine that the request is feasible, does not pose a significant risk,  and does not have cross functional campus  impact that requires input from any of the advisory sub-committees it will be converted into a project request when the sponsor, key points of contact, and ITS resources kick off the project and work commences.

The following is a list of potential impact areas and the name of the advisory sub-committee that may be asked to review and provide guidance on the requested project’s feasibility in relation to other ongoing campus operations, schedules, technology initiatives, and institutional strategies.

Impact AreaSub-Committee
Campus IT Services supported by ITS Infrastructure and ITS User Services. Examples include network connections & campus IT equipment (computers). Advisory Technology Infrastructure & Services (ATIS)
Faculty and College Support Staff offering Instruction and/or Teaching Advisory Academic Technology (ATS)
Students who reside on and off campus and the services offered to them through the Division of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. This also includes Associated Students Inc. (ASI). Advisory Student Administrative Systems (ASAS)
Day-to-Day Business Operations that if changed could directly impact Faculty, Staff, Administration/MPPs, Student Workers, and/or Auxiliary Employees. Advisory Business Administrative Systems (ABAS)
Campus & Student Record Data, Faculty Affairs & Human Resources Personnel Data, and/or º£½ÇÉçÇøCI’s Financial Data.

Advisory Data Governance (ADG)

Accessibility to campus systems and/or services

Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI)

Membership & Representation

Membership among each committee varies. In cases where there is an available seat for the division’s Vice President (VP), the VP themselves may serve on the committee or assign a designee. The other remaining seats are appointed by the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC). Members of the ETSC and members of the six sub-committees may serve on one or more sub-committee.

Select the Committee or Subcommittee below to learn more about who serves on that team.

    1. Provost
    2. VP for Business and Financial Affairs
    3. VP for Student Affairs
    4. VP for University Advancement
    5. Chief of Staff, Presidents Office
    6. Chair, Academic Senate or designee
    7. Chief Information Officer
    1. VP for Academic Affairs, or designee
    2. VP for Student Affairs, or designee
    3. VP for University Advancement, or designee
    4. Chief Information Officer
    5. Chief Information Security Officer
    6. Broome Library Representative
    7. Faculty Member
    8. ITS Staff Support
    1. VP for Student Affairs, or designee
    2. VP for University Advancement, or designee
    3. Chief Information Officer
    4. Associate Vice Provost of Innovations & Faculty Development
    5. Library Representative
    6. Faculty Representative
    7. Student Representative
    8. ITS Staff Support
    1. VP for Academic Affairs, or designee
    2. VP for Student Affairs, or designee
    3. Chief Information Officer
    4. Associate Director of Application Services
    5. Extended University Representative
    6. Student Representative
    7. Faculty Representative
    8. Teaching & Learning Innovations Representative
    9. ITS Staff Support
    1. VP for Business and Financial Affairs, or designee
    2. VP for Academic Affairs, or designee
    3. VP for Student Affairs, or designee
    4. VP for University Advancement, or designee
    5. Chief Information Officer
    6. ITS Representative
    7. Auxiliary Services Representative
    8. ITS Staff Support
    1. VP for Academic Affairs, or designee
    2. VP for Business and Financial Affairs, or designee
    3. Chief of Staff, or designee
    4. VP for Student Affairs, or designee
    5. VP for University Advancement, or designee
    6. Chief Information Officer
    7. Institutional Research Representative
    8. Student Representative
    1. Director of IT Strategy
    2. ITS Web Services Supervisor
    3. Alternative Media Team Member
    4. Instructional Materials Lead
    5. Instructional Materials Team Member
    6. Procurement Lead
    7. Procurement Team Member
    8. Student Accessibility & Accommodations
    9. Campus ADA Coordinator

Roles and Responsibilities

Select the name of the committee or sub-committee below to learn more about their responsibilities.

  • Overview:

    Serves as the senior university technology governance group and principal advisory to the campus President on information technology issues and decisions. The ETSC reports through the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs to the campus President’s Cabinet and meets twice during each semester of the academic year.


    • Establishes º£½ÇÉçÇøCI’s long-range technology strategy and goals.
    • Oversees, reviews and recommends new technology investments to the President; ensures these investments are aligned with the strategic direction of the university.
    • Prioritizes and recommends approval of large university technology projects.
    • Recommend to the President all policies, standards, and procedures pertaining to information technology and information security.
    • Adopts frameworks and guidelines that maintain an effective division of responsibilities for enterprise-wide and local technology services.
    • Recommends major changes in the delivery of technology services or service levels.
    • Conducts reviews of the University’s technology project portfolio as recommended by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and monitors its alignment with University’s goals, available resources, and acceptable levels of risk.
  • Overview:

    Advises the ETSC on decisions impacting the University’s technology infrastructure, information security, and standards and support services for end user computer and mobile devices. Meets monthly during summer and academic year as needed.


    • Review technology policies and standards and recommend changes to the ETSC for adoption.
    • Advises the Associate Vice President for IT Service/CIO on decisions pertaining to the adoption of new infrastructure technologies (e.g., networks, servers, storage, cloud services, hybrid data centers, security, mobile and desktop computing) and the design of the University’s technical architecture.
    • Provides feedback on the design, delivery and performance of enterprise IT support services.
    • Recommends the need for new enterprise IT services, including cloud services.
    • Reviews proposed technology standards and procedures and recommended them to the ETSC for University-wide adoption.
    • Meets on monthly basis, as needed.
    • Serves as advisory to ETSC.
  • Overview:

    Consults on the management of university-wide IT support of instructional and scholarly activities, from the perspective of a college or a division, not individual users. This sub-committee meets monthly during the academic year.


    • Advises the ETSC on strategy, policy, tactics, and implementation of instructional and scholarly technologies that impact the Academic Affairs division, including ADA compliance for instructional materials.
    • Conduct an annual review of the ATI instructional materials report.
    • Maintains contact with the Provost’s Council, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Council of Chairs, Educational Resources Committee, Managers of Academic Resources (MARS), and the Administrative Councils of the Division and Colleges.
    • Meets on monthly basis, as needed during the academic calendar.
    • Serves as advisory to ETSC.
  • Overview:

    Advises the ETSC on the application of administrative systems in support of º£½ÇÉçÇøCI students. This committee meets monthly during the academic year and during the summer as needed.


    • Coordinate effective implementation and support of student administrative systems, º£½ÇÉçÇøCI mobile app, myCI student portal, document management/eforms/workflow for students, Education Advisory Group (EAB), and One Card.
    • Review and recommend student administrative system’s projects to the ETSC.
    • Work with stakeholders and ITS to inform college staff and faculty about student administrative systems changes.
    • Provide input on long-range technology plans and strategies by identifying opportunities to improve student systems and enable student success through the application of technology.
    • Meets on monthly basis, as needed during the academic year and summer as needed.
    • Serves as advisory to ETSC.
  • Overview:

    Advises the ETSC on the application of administrative systems in support of º£½ÇÉçÇøCI students. This committee meets monthly during the academic year and during the summer as needed.


    • Coordinate effective implementation and support of business administrative systems.
    • Improve business productivity and efficiency through effective deployment and management of documents, including electronic forms with electronic signatures and online workflow.
    • Review and recommend business administrative systems’ projects to the ETSC.
    • Provide input on information technology plans and strategies by identifying opportunities to improve business administrative processes and enable employee success through the application of technology.
    • Each semester provides ETSC with report containing (a) key accomplishments and changes since the last report, (b) proposed upcoming plans and initiatives, and (c) any potential barriers to enabling future plans and projects.
    • Meets on monthly basis, as needed during the academic year and summer as needed.
    • Serves as advisory to ETSC.
  • Overview:

    Advises the ETSC on the application of administrative systems in support of º£½ÇÉçÇøCI students. This committee meets monthly during the academic year and during the summer as needed.


    • Develop, enhance and support º£½ÇÉçÇøCI’s data policies, standards, and processes to maintain data privacy and to authorize secure access and storages of data in accordance with relevant policy and regulatory requirements.
    • Ensure effective stewardship of Institutional data, including identifying/assigning data stewards and ensuring the data steward are properly trained.
    • Promote effective use of accurate, consistent, and trusted institutional data through identification of all º£½ÇÉçÇøCI data users and ensuring that these users are properly trained to enable a common understanding and consistent interpretation of data.
    • Prioritize º£½ÇÉçÇøCI data governance projects and tasks (e.g., data authorization, data definitions and inventory, coordination with º£½ÇÉçÇø wide initiatives).
    • Meets on monthly basis, as needed during the academic year and summer as needed.
    • Serves as advisory to ETSC.
  • Overview:

    Advises the ETSC on the application of administrative systems in support of º£½ÇÉçÇøCI students. This committee meets monthly during the academic year and during the summer as needed.


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