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Overview & Applicability

Updated: 2020-05-26

This web page provides step-by-step instructions for University employees and organizations that wish to purchase and implement technology equipment, products or services in accordance with University guidelines and policies.

This information also serves as an overview for vendors that wish to understand the University's process for procurement of information technology (IT) products and services.

This process described on this web page applies to all IT-related procurements; however, the review & approval workflow is designed to scale according to scope & impact of the procurement.

  • This IT Procurement Request process and the online requisition submission process, also known as the Request for Goods & Services (RGS), are two separate processes that run best in parallel. Submit the requisition (or RGS) first, and refer to its number (RGS #) within your Standard or Custom IT Procurement Request, per the instructions below. Additional instructions for how to submit an online requisition in CI Financials (in PDF format) may be found within the Procurement operations procedures. If you're not sure how to submit an online requisition or you do not have access, please contact your Department Budget Analyst for assistance.

  • Is this procurement for standard university equipment (such as standard desktops, laptops, tablets, or other computing accessories, as described on the ITS Quotes page)?

    If the answer to this question is YES, your request is a standard procurement request. Please visit the ITS Quotes page. Once you locate and download the quote you need, please using the button below. NOTE: once you submit your standard IT procurement, proceed to Step 6 in this process.

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    If the answer to this question is NO, your procurement request is custom (non-standard). Please proceed to Step 3. below.

    If you're not sure how to answer this question, please contact the ITS Project Management group for guidance.

  • Does the requested custom (non-standard) product or service meet any of the following criteria?

    1. Will it cost more than $5,000 (one time) OR more than $10,000 (over the next 2+ years)?
    2. Will it require more than 60 IT staff hours to procure & implement?
    3. Will it require ongoing maintenance or funding by Information Technology Services?

    If the answer to ANY of these questions is YES, your request is a major custom procurement. Before proceeding to Step 4 below, the procurement must be reviewed, approved, and submitted by your division VP, in accordance with the ITS Business Practice on IT Project & Procurement Governance.

    If the answer to ALL of these questions is NO, your request is a minor custom procurement. Please proceed to Step 4 below.

    If you're not sure, please contact the ITS Project Management group for guidance.

    1. The University employee or organization requesting the procurement (known hereafter as the Requester) will first complete the following steps:

      1. Ask the vendor to complete a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), and return an electronic copy to the Requester. or view the VPAT FAQ). The latest version will be at the bottom of the page under the Resources section.
      2. Obtain an up-to-date quote and contract from the vendor. If the item is being procured from the º£½ÇÉçÇø Chancellor's Office (CO), then the Requester will need to obtain and submit an electronic copy of the CO agreement with the campus.
    2. Once these three items have been obtained and completed, the Requester shall . During the submission process, the Requester shall attach the above documents to the procurement request in electronic format. The submitted request will automatically be assigned to Procurement & Logistical Services and Information Technology Services (ITS) staff for review and approval.

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  • Shortly after completing the Custom IT Procurement request, the requester will receive an email with a link to the IT Procurement Impact Assessment (ITPIA). Requesters shall complete the ITPIA via the link in the email, which will automatically upload the ITPIA to their procurement request. During the accessibility review, ITS staff shall use the ITPIA to evaluate the risk and impact of the procurement on the campus community. Based on the risk and impact, accessibility testing of the product or service may be required before the procurement can continue. The Requester may also be required to submit two additional documents before the procurement can continue:

    an , which shall be completed by the Requester;


    an , which shall be completed by the vendor and delivered to ITS by the Requester.

    The is available on the º£½ÇÉçÇø ATI website.

    1. ITS staff shall complete a Technical Review of the security, data and infrastructure impact of the proposed procurement. During this process, ITS shall evaluate whether the product should be exempt from a technical review, and shall verify that the VPAT and IT Procurement Impact Assessment have been completed correctly and submitted.

    2. Once the Technical Review has been completed and approved by ITS, the procurement request is automatically routed to Step 6 of this process.

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  • The Associate Vice President for Information Technology Services (AVP ITS) or designee shall approve each IT procurement request. The AVP ITS (or designee) receives and approves IT procurement requests electronically using the TeamDynamix ticketing system.

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  • ITS staff shall notify the Requester that their purchase was approved and will include Procurement on this notification. ITS will also mark the completion of this workflow step electronically, which routes it to step 8. Upon completion of this step, the IT procurement ticket is closed.

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  • Procurement and Contract Services (PCS) shall review the vendor quote and contract to ensure that the vendor’s terms align with º£½ÇÉçÇø purchasing guidelines, and approve the quote and contract terms.

    PCS staff then complete a final review & approval of the procurement package, and issue the purchase order for the product or service. Procurement indicates completion of this workflow step by notifying the person who submitted the online requisition (on behalf of the requester) via email of the issue of the purchase order, and the corresponding purchase order number. The requester should contact PCS with any questions about the status of the purchase order, and contact the vendor regarding delivery of the product or service.

  • Requester and ITS staff coordinate the installation, configuration and launch of the IT product/service. Most frequently, the launch of a new product/service shall take place in the context of a new IT project. Upon launch of the product/service, the Requester and "Person Responsible" (as designated in section 3D of the EEAAP) shall coordinate implementation of equally effective alternative access as necessary.

Learn More

Learn about accessibility evaluation and testing for IT products & services

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