
LRC tutors can help with a variety of subjects. Please note that different tutors specialize in different subjects. Our staff will do their best to help you find a tutor for your class. Please click the link below to find a tutor who can support your desired course:

(Note: In-Person Tutors are also available Online during their work shifts) 

 Monday - Thursday: 10am - 8pm
Friday: 10am - 2pm 
 Sunday: 5pm - 7pm 
The LRC is primarily a walk-in, drop-in tutoring center and no appointment is necessary to visit with an available tutor. Students are seen on a first-come basis, and tutors may work with up to three different individual students at a time, rotating between tutees in 20-minute intervals if the Center is busy.

We also offer limited appointment-based tutoring. Students may schedule up to two 30-minute appointments per class per week. You can request an appointment by filling out a tutoring appointment request form, located on our .

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