
Taking action to sustain and advance a robust University in an era of declining state support.

Building self-sustaining programs and initiatives that support an equitable and thriving community.

4.1 Work in concert with business and community leadership to develop programs and initiatives that contribute to a robust economy and engaged citizenship.

4.2 Expand opportunities to serve as a social and intellectual resource for our community.

4.3 Develop Extended University offerings in concert with area businesses, communities and other regional stakeholders that support economic vitality and civic prosperity.

Developing a culture of philanthropy.

4.4 Increase philanthropic support for the University by strengthening existing cross-divisional partnerships focused on enhanced alumni engagement and philanthropic support.

4.5 Assess internal and external community perception of the University and develop a plan to expand awareness of the University鈥檚 connection to economic vitality, social mobility and engaged citizenship.

4.6 Engage the University community in identifying fundraising priorities that directly support the Strategic Initiatives and launch a focused and aggressive fundraising effort to support them.

4.7 Create an 鈥淥pportunity Hub鈥 designed to connect community support with University needs.

Enhancing faculty and staff development and support.

4.8 Expand professional development opportunities that cultivate leadership skills and enhanced career success for faculty and staff (e.g., mentorships, CI Connect, etc.).

4.9 Identify solutions to the timely response and proactive resolution of workplace conflicts that are not part of a formal process.

Promoting sustainability as an integral part of University planning and operational activities.

4.10 Continue to pursue efficiency and assess effectiveness in administrative services and systems.

4.11 Maximize efficiencies by expanding opportunities for cross-divisional collaboration and communication, as well as realigning resources (human, programmatic, financial) in support of the University鈥檚 Strategic Initiatives.

4.12 Leverage technology to allow more time for people to engage in the activities that require human intervention (e.g., eliminating rote manual processes in favor of automatic ones).

4.13 Invest in physical infrastructure that facilitates inquiry and discovery with a particular emphasis on the expansion of public-private-partnerships that are consistent with the academic mission of the University, support environmental sustainability and generates revenue.

4.14 Develop a strategy to leverage the use of online, hybrid and year-round courses to enhance access, improve timely degree progression and maximize the utilization of limited physical infrastructure.

4.15 Create a comprehensive transportation strategic plan to decrease the number of single user trips to campus and increase opportunities for alternative means of transportation.

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