
Spring 2018 Campus Update from Provost Geoff Chase

Strategic Initiatives Overview

Building on the work completed by faculty, staff, and students during spring 2017 and since last fall, the Strategic Initiatives Steering Committee (SISC) has continued the planning process compromised of four sub-committees:  Integrative Excellence, Academic Placement and Support, Communicating Clear Curricular Pathways, and Capacity and Sustainability. This work has continued to be a widely-shared, consultative process, which has resulted in identifying, defining, and outlining steps the University can take in both the short term and long term to address our aims and goals.

In addition to the four sub-committees established by the SISC, the Inclusive Excellence Task Force, appointed by President Beck, began work to determine how best to continue º£½ÇÉçÇøCI’s commitment to inclusive excellence and success for all º£½ÇÉçÇøCI students.

The work that everyone has contributed so far, and the input received through open meetings and forums, and during the World Café last fall, have led to the identification of four key areas in which we can take significant and deliberate steps to continue º£½ÇÉçÇøCI’s commitment to students, to our community and to be a leader in higher education. The areas of focus that have emerged are:

  • Inclusive Excellence
  • Student Success
  • Educational Excellence, and
  • Capacity and Sustainability

As we move forward, committees and individuals are already working in each of these areas to design, implement, and evaluate specific, accurate steps we can take to reach our goals and to realize the vision President Beck has outlined for our University.

To provide updates on work completed so far, and to solicit more feedback, we have scheduled a second World Café event for Friday, April 13 at 10 a.m. in Malibu Hall 100. This will be, once again, an opportunity for our community to come together to contribute to our shared goals.

Community Strategic Thinking/Planning Exercise

When we gather on April 13, following a brief introduction in which we will outline the goals of this exercise, participants will be invited to share their thoughts on the proposed strategic initiatives.

Representatives from each group will ‘host’ each table and will take a few minutes to share what their particular group has been working to develop as they seek to advance our strategic initiatives this spring and looking forward to the next academic year. Hosts at each table will also ask for input, thoughts, and feedback from those joining them at their table.

At regular intervals (see the agenda schedule below), participants will move to another table and so will, over the course of the exercise, have the opportunity to hear from and provide feedback with all five groups.

World Café Agenda – April 13, 2018

10:00 – 10:10Introduction, Overview, Goals for the Day
10:10 – 10:25 Discussion I
10:25 – 10:40Discussion II
10:40 – 10:55Discussion III
10:55 – 11:10Discussion IV
11:10 – 11:25Discussion V
11:25 – 11:45Whole Group Reflections
11:45 – 12:00Conclusion and Next Steps

Looking Ahead to 2018/19

The Strategic Planning activities in which we are engaged are not one-time commitments. Instead, they are part of an ongoing process through which we assess the impact of our efforts, identify challenges, and seek new opportunities.

While we know that it is important to take concrete actions, to examine the evidence and data related to desired outcomes for those actions, to make mid-course corrections or to scale up our efforts, it is also important to continue to seek input from everyone committed to our University. Thus, as we take specific actions today, and begin planning additional strategic initiatives for fall 2018 and beyond, there will be other opportunities for input and consultation, and we will also hold meetings such as this one at least once a semester.

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