Authority and Oversight
The Building Evacuation Team (i.e., Building & Floor Marshal Program) has been developed in accordance with (Inclusive), which covers those designated actions employers and employees must take to ensure safety from fire and other emergencies, and . The Emergency Management office administers and maintains the campus BET.
Scope of the Program
The Building Evacuation Team (B.E.T.) is an essential element of the campus Emergency Management Plan. Marshals are responsible for assisting in the safe and orderly evacuation of campus facilities and buildings in the event of a disaster, preventing re-entry, and reporting injuries and probable locations of trapped individuals to campus authorities. The information provided to these individuals will aid in establishing search and rescue priorities.
The responsibilities of the campus B.E.T. Program are four fold:
- First, when prompted by a drill or real emergency situation, assist in the orderly evacuation of the building population from the structure.
- Second, secure building entrances, direct personnel 100 feet from the building, and deny re-entry until informed by authority that it is safe to do so.
- Third, report building and personnel status to University Police at established locations (i.e., fully evacuated, location of trapped or injured individuals, etc.).
- Fourth, if necessary, assist in the movement of persons to indicated campus evacuation staging area(s). Provide assistance to persons with disabilities as required.
The Marshals are the lead evacuation official for a campus building. They serve as a liaison between the University Police Department and the building’s occupants. Marshals also:
- Provide periodic information to occupants regarding changes in procedures or practice.
- Request supplies or information.
- Recruit individuals to assist them in duties.
- Receive evacuation reports from occupants during an emergency or evacuation drill.
- Coordinate emergency operations with the University Police Incident Commander.
- Selection and Training
The effectiveness of the campus B.E.T. Program is determined by the willingness of the Marshals to assume responsibility and the training provided to them. There shall be a minimum of one Marshal per building, but the number of Marshals is dependent on the size and function of each respective building. Marshals must be willing to assume responsibility for the building evacuation during actual emergency events as well as evacuation drills. Those individuals who volunteer have both the willingness and interest to serve effectively in that capacity.
Marshal Training
Each Marshal must receive initial training and participate in periodic meetings. The required training elements are:
- Duties and Responsibilities
- Personal Preparedness for Emergency Situations
- Emergency Management Plan orientation
- Incident Command System orientation
- Disaster Service Worker orientation
- Fire Extinguisher orientation
Marshal Equipment
Marshals are provided basic equipment by the university at no cost to them. The basic equipment a Marshal shall hold are:
- Hard-hat with decal
- Goggles with hat clips or safety glasses
- Emergency Reflective Vest
- Flashlight
- Whistle
- N95 Mask
Though Marshals are provided basic equipment, they should supplement this equipment with additional supplies. Some of the recommended items are:
- First Aid Kit for personal use
- Personal emergency preparedness kit
- Sturdy shoes
- Sweat shirt or thermal undershirt