Continuing Students:
The Fall 2025 Schedule of Classes will be available and enrollment appointments will be viewable in your Student Center in CI Records on April 1, 2025. See the Summer Semester website for more information on summer enrollment.
You may register for the Fall 2025 semester beginning with the date & time specified in your enrollment appointment through the first week of the spring semester. Beginning September 1st, adding a class will require instructor permission. See our Add/Drop Procedures webpage for more information and deadlines.
Priority Registration
Tuesday 4/15/2025 & Wednesday 4/16/2025
Students receiving disability accommodations; Veterans; Foster Youth; and Students with dependent children.
Graduating Seniors
Thursday 4/17/2025
Seniors who applied to graduate for Fall 2025 by the priority filing deadline (March 1, 2025) and have 18 units or less to complete their degree. Master's degree students who applied by the deadline (March 1, 2025). Graduating seniors participating in the California Promise Program receive the first appointment of the day.
Seniors (90+ units completed), Credential & Pre-Credential
Friday 4/18/2025
Credential & Pre-Credential students, and all other seniors, including those who applied to graduate after the deadline, or have more than 18 units to complete. Appointment times assigned by total units earned, not including coursework in progress. Seniors participating in the California Promise Program receive the first appointment of the day.
Juniors (60 - 89.9 units completed)
Monday 4/21/2025 & Tuesday 4/22/2025
Appointment times assigned by total units earned, not including coursework in progress. Juniors participating in the California Promise Program receive the first appointment of the day.
Sophomores & Graduates (30 - 59.9 units completed)
Wednesday 4/23/2025
Appointment times assigned by total units earned, not including coursework in progress.
Freshmen & Second Baccalaureates (0 - 29.9 units completed)
Thursday 4/24/2025
Appointment times assigned by total units earned, not including coursework in progress.
New Fall 2025 Students
New Fall 2025 First Year Freshmen and Transfer students will register at their Advising & Registration sessions.
For more information specific to new students, see our New Student Registration webpage.