
Members appointed to the 2024/25 Strategic Resource Planning Committee include:

Cabinet Members:
Richard Yao, President and Chair
Jessica Lavariega Monforti, Interim Provost
Eboni Ford Turnbow, Vice President for Student Affairs
Richard LeRoy, Vice President for University Advancement
Bradley Olin, Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs
Kaia Tollefson, Chief of Staff

Faculty Representation:
Christina Smith, Academic Senate Chair and Professor-Communications
Gregory Wood, Senate Budget Representative and Professor-Physics
Sohui Lee, Faculty-at-Large and Associate Professor-Writing & Multiliteracy Center
Matthew Campbell, Faculty-at-Large and Professor-Psychology
Lorna Profant, Lecturer-at-Large-Biology

Dean Representation:
Susan Andrzejewski , Dean for MVS School of Business & Economics

Enrollment Representation:
Toni DeBoni, Assoc VP for Enrollment Management

Staff Representation:
Rebecca Slocum, Staff Council Chair (DAA)
Amanda Sanchez, Staff-at-Large (DAA)
Alexandria Calderon, Staff-at-Large (DUA)

Student Representation:
Pearce Harris, Student Government Vice President
Vacant, Student-at-Large

Committee Support:
Lisa Woods, Interim Director for Budget & Planning
Teresa Montoya, Administrative Support Coordinator

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