The goal of the º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Title IX Implementation Team is to promote accountability and strengthen internal protocols within the Title IX/DHR program by focusing on related recommendations in the campus report. The work of the Implementation Team focuses on the life span of a Title IX/DHR report, from intake to resolution, as well as other key recommendations, such as separating advocacy functions from investigations, strengthening campus collaboration through a multidisciplinary team model, and developing tools and written processes for effective case management.
Coordinate with the Regional Director, Systemwide Title IX/Civil Rights Division, and subject matter experts to:
1-1. Map the case resolution process from reporting and intake through to investigation and resolution process.
1-2. Develop robust intake, outreach, and case management protocols for supportive measures and resources.
1-3. Develop integrated, written processes for initial assessment designed to evaluate known facts and circumstances, assess and implement supportive measures, facilitate compliance with Title IX and Clery responsibilities, and identify the appropriate institutional response after triaging the available and relevant information.
1-4. Consistently separate support/advocacy functions from investigation to avoid role confusion and ensure clear demarcation between the individuals who provide supportive measures to a complainant, respondent or other individual in need of assistance, and the investigator.
1-5. Strengthen campus collaboration and information-sharing through a multidisciplinary team (MDT) model.
1-6. Develop tools for consistent, informed, effective documentation and case management.
1-7. Oversee investigations for quality and consistency of prompt and equitable processes.
2. Continue to evaluate barriers to reporting and engagement at the university level, with aggregation of data and advice and guidance by the Chancellor’s Office.
3. Review and revise tone, content, and format of reporting forms and other template communications.
4. Review the current post-Title IX/DHR disciplinary processes for faculty and staff to ensure promptness, equity, and informed communication.
5. Develop and implement a process to routinely collect post-resolution feedback from the parties and all impacted individuals.