
If you have more specific questions beyond the information provided below, we encourage you to reach out to our office. For more detailed information about the processes our office oversees, please refer to the Informal Resolution, Investigation, and Hearings sections of this page. 

  • A Title IX report and a formal complaint are distinct but related steps in the process of addressing sexual harassment, discrimination, or misconduct under Title IX regulations.

    A Title IX report notifies the institution of a potential issue and allows for supportive measures, while a formal complaint initiates an official investigation and resolution process. A report is the initial communication to a Title IX Coordinator or other designated official about an incident of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct. Reports can be made by anyone, even those unaffiliated with the º£½ÇÉçÇø. After a report, the institution must take immediate action to offer support to affected parties and assess the situation, but the report alone does not necessarily result in a formal investigation unless a formal complaint is filed. Notice to the accused party is not triggered automatically by a report. 

    A formal complaint is an option that is available to the complainants we reach out to. (A complainant is the person identified in a report as needing resources.) It is filed by the complainant (or in some cases, signed by the Title IX Coordinator) and requests an investigation into the reported incident. The formal complaint officially triggers the institution’s Title IX investigation process, which can lead to a formal resolution, including hearings and potential disciplinary actions. Once a complaint is filed, the accused party receives notice of the accusations in accordance with due process. 

  • We are neutral.The Title IX & Inclusion office is committed to providing a fair and unbiased review.  Our investigations are focused on the information available.  We do not represent or advocate on behalf of any party.

    We help Complainants find the right process.  There are several options within our office including investigation, hearing, and informal resolution. If Title IX & Inclusion is not best suited to address the concerns, we will provide information to help connect with the appropriate office. 

    Support person.The Complainant and Respondent may bring a support person to any meetings with the Investigator. We request that Complainants and Respondents please let us know in advance if they will be doing so.

    Understanding the complaint.  The first step the Investigator takes in an investigation is to gather information about the complaint.  This usually involves interviewing the Complainant and gathering all information the Complainant has, including documentation and names of witnesses, if any. 

    Anonymity.  Complainants frequently ask if Respondents will be told they raised concerns. If a Formal Complaint is filed, Respondents are provided with enough information about the allegations to allow them a fair opportunity to respond, and the level of detail necessary to do that varies depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident.  The University cannot always honor a request for complete confidentiality as it must weigh that request against the obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students, employees and third parties.  In those situations, Complainants will be informed prior to the start of an investigation that to the extent possible, information will be shared only with those responsible for handling the University’s response.  Title IX & Inclusion will remain mindful of all parties’ well-being and will take ongoing steps to protect individuals from retaliation.

    Interim Measures. Title IX & Inclusion will connect Complainants with appropriate on-campus and off-campus resources and confidential support services.  If the complaint involves sexual harassment, including sexual violence, our office may also assist with measures including academic, housing, and/or workplace modifications.

    Interviewing the Respondent.  After Title IX & Inclusion understands the nature and scope of the complaint, the Respondent is notified of the allegations and given a full and fair opportunity to respond.  The Respondent is also asked to provide any documentation and to identify any witnesses relevant to the complaint.  The Complainant is not present during the Respondent’s interview and vice versa.

    Gathering other information.  Title IX & Inclusion will interview witnesses and review documents that it believes is relevant to the situation.  Title IX & Inclusion may also contact the Complainant and the Respondent with additional questions or to request additional information throughout the investigation.

    Review.  All information and documentation provided by either party, or by witnesses interviewed during the course of an investigation, may be considered for final determination as to whether a violation of university policy occurred.

    Decision and follow up.  If Title IX & Inclusion determines that discrimination, harassment or retaliation has occurred in violation of university policy, relevant campus administrators will be notified to take appropriate action aimed at addressing the misconduct, preventing its recurrence and remedying its effects.  Both parties will receive simultaneous written notice of the outcome of the investigation.

    Appeal Rights.  Depending on whether a formal complaint was filed in accordance with applicable university and º£½ÇÉçÇø policies, Complainants may if s/he is not satisfied with the determination.

    Retaliation.  The University has a strong policy against retaliation.  Complainants or witnesses who believe they are being subjected to retaliatory behavior are encouraged to immediately contact E&C.

    More information.  If you have any other questions about the investigation or investigation process, please do not hesitate to contact Title IX & Inclusion at 805-437-2077 or titleix@csuci.edu.

  • We are neutral.  The Title IX & Inclusion office is committed to providing a fair and unbiased review.  Our investigations are focused on the information available.  We do not represent or advocate on behalf of any party.

    We help Complainants find the right process.  There are several options within our office including investigation, hearing, and informal resolution. If Title IX & Inclusion is not best suited to address the concerns, we will provide information to help connect with the appropriate office. 

    Support person. The Complainant and Respondent may bring a support person to any meetings with the Investigator. We request that Complainants and Respondents please let us know in advance if they will be doing so.

    Understanding the complaint.  The first step the Investigator takes in an investigation is to gather information about the complaint.  This usually involves interviewing the Complainant and gathering all information the Complainant has, including documentation and names of witnesses, if any. 

    Anonymity.  Complainants frequently ask if Respondents will be told they raised concerns. If a Formal Complaint is filed, Respondents are provided with enough information about the allegations to allow them a fair opportunity to respond, and the level of detail necessary to do that varies depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident.  The University cannot always honor a request for complete confidentiality as it must weigh that request against the obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students, employees and third parties.  In those situations, Complainants will be informed prior to the start of an investigation that to the extent possible, information will be shared only with those responsible for handling the University’s response.  Title IX & Inclusion will remain mindful of all parties’ well-being and will take ongoing steps to protect individuals from retaliation.

    Interim Measures. Title IX & Inclusion will connect Complainants with appropriate on-campus and off-campus resources and confidential support services.  If the complaint involves sexual harassment, including sexual violence, our office may also assist with measures including academic, housing, and/or workplace modifications.

    Interviewing the Respondent.  After Title IX & Inclusion understands the nature and scope of the complaint, the Respondent is notified of the allegations and given a full and fair opportunity to respond.  The Respondent is also asked to provide any documentation and to identify any witnesses relevant to the complaint.  The Complainant is not present during the Respondent’s interview and vice versa.

    Gathering other information.  Title IX & Inclusion will interview witnesses and review documents that it believes is relevant to the situation.  Title IX & Inclusion may also contact the Complainant and the Respondent with additional questions or to request additional information throughout the investigation.

    Review.  All information and documentation provided by either party, or by witnesses interviewed during the course of an investigation, may be considered for final determination as to whether a violation of university policy occurred.

    Decision and follow up.  If Title IX & Inclusion determines that discrimination, harassment or retaliation has occurred in violation of university policy, relevant campus administrators will be notified to take appropriate action aimed at addressing the misconduct, preventing its recurrence and remedying its effects.  Both parties will receive simultaneous written notice of the outcome of the investigation.

    Appeal Rights.  Depending on whether a formal complaint was filed in accordance with applicable university and º£½ÇÉçÇø policies, Complainants may if s/he is not satisfied with the determination.

    Retaliation.  The University has a strong policy against retaliation.  Complainants or witnesses who believe they are being subjected to retaliatory behavior are encouraged to immediately contact E&C.

    More information.  If you have any other questions about the investigation or investigation process, please do not hesitate to contact Title IX & Inclusion at 805-437-2077 or titleix@csuci.edu.

  • In Title IX investigations or hearings, the role of a witness is not to support one side or the other, but to share what you witnessed in relation to the investigation. The objective of a witness is to provide clarity and understanding about the incident being investigated. Either the Complainant(s) or the Respondent(s) may request that you be interviewed by the investigator if they believe that you witnessed the initial incident or have relevant information about an incident. They also may request you be contacted to be present at the hearing to provide additional clarity from your written summary of our interview with the investigator.

  • You will meet with an investigator, who will ask you questions about your observations and knowledge of a particular event or matter. 

    After your meeting, the Investigator will prepare a written summary of each interview and allow the witness to review for accuracy. Unless the individual requests additional time, the written summary will be deemed accurate if the individual does not provide feedback on the written summary within three (3) business days of the Investigator emailing it to the individual.

    The written summary of your interview will be shared with both parties in the investigation process.

  • If the matter proceeds to a hearing, the following people will be present: both parties and their advisors and support people, the external Hearing Officer, Title IX Coordinator, Investigator, Hearing Coordinator, and, as appropriate, counsel for º£½ÇÉçÇøCI.

    If the matter proceeds to a remote hearing (on Zoom), only you and the person asking you the questions (either the external Hearing Officer and/or an advisor, depending on the process) must keep their cameras on.

  • Interim Supportive Measures: Witnesses can request support from the Title IX Coordinator during a Title IX process or as it relates to their role as a witness.

    Retaliation Policy: º£½ÇÉçÇøCI prohibits retaliation against any person who brings forward a report of misconduct covered by the Nondiscrimination Policy, or those who participate in the process to resolve a complaint, including you as a witness. Any allegations of retaliation may lead to a separate investigation and possible disciplinary action. If you believe you have experienced retaliation, please contact the Title IX office by emailing titleix@csuci.edu and during business hours by calling (805) 437-2077. In case of an emergency, or if you need immediate assistance, please contact Campus Safety at (805) 437-8444.

For more answers to general questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. 

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