
Asynchronous Tutoring Using VoiceThread Feedback (Fall 2021 to Spring 2022): A Mixed Method Study Examining the Efficacy of Integrating Nonverbal Communication in Asynchronous Feedback 

The Asynchronous Voicethread Feedback Study is being conducted by Drs. Sohui Lee and Abigail Michelini of the Writing & Multiliteracy Center.

Overview:  Online tutoring, both synchronously and asynchronously, has been assumed to be secondary to face-to-face in person tutoring (Denton, 2017; Hewitt, 2010; Weireck, Davis, & Lawson, 2017). Traditional asynchronous tutoring feedback relies on written (text-based) feedback, thus it leaves out nonverbal communication cues such as facial expressions, positive tone, and body language that is typically provided in a live tutorial session. Writing center scholars are learning, however, that nonverbal communications are more important to tutoring than just building connections and helping students feel comfortable.  In fact, according to a Harvard study, positive nonverbal cues encourage empathy, trust, and feelings of psychological safety, which are crucial for learning and following through with feedback advice (Seppälä, 2017).  We believe our work on multimodal asynchronous tutoring is groundbreaking and significant both to the field of writing centers as well as to the university in providing an innovative new service with the potential to expand and improve tutoring services.


Students in the classes using asynchronous tutoring are not required to choose asynchronous tutoring.  Students may take the survey regardless to their choice of tutoring (whether synchronous or asynchronous ) or if they see a tutor at all.  All submissions to the surveys will remain anonymous and answers will be agreggated to retain anonymity.  

Survey for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022: This survey is used to investigate whether students tried asynchronous tutoring and, if they did, why they choose to asynchronous feedback, and their experience of its effectiveness.  If you wish to take the survey, please .  Students who complete a survey can choose to be entered in a drawing for $25 gift card each semester.


If you choose to receive VoiceThread feedback, you may receive an invitation to participate in a 30-minute Zoom interview near the end of the semester. This interview is entirely voluntary and you do not have to participate in it in order to utilize VoiceThread feedback. Interviews are designed to learn more about your experience using VoiceThread tutoring and how we can improve the program. Students who complete an interview will receive a $20 gift card as compensation. 

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