Student Writing @ CI
Learn more about the writing resources on student writing at CI. CI's Writing Guide provides an overview of what type of expectations students should expect in each major, however faculty might also find it useful to see the kind of writing students do at CI in order to contextualize for students the value of the skills they learn and how they transfer. There are also additional faculty resources available at the site. Learn More by visiting Student Writing @ CI.
Approaches to Writing (WPA, NCTE, National Writing Project)
, developed by the Council of Writing Program Administrators, National Council of Teachers of English, and the National Writing Project. The Framework provides a summary of the kinds of habits of mind and experiences that teachers might cultivate through curriculum design, which can lead to success in college writing and beyond.
Writing and Writing Across the Curriculum
Stanford Online: "Adventures in Writing"
Stanford University Online provides free graphic-novel style learning modules called
"" that introduce students to college writing through two characters, Chris and Maya.
The modules are designed to help students learn contexts of written communication
skills on their own pace with five basic college writing concepts:
Academic Language,
Purpose, Audience, and Context
Identifying Passive and Active Voice
Punctuation: Signposts to Guide Readers
Argument: Making and Supporting Claims
Each module includes interactive exercises that checks whether students can apply what they learned. Faculty might find it useful to assign some or all of the modules for students who may need more assistance in understanding concepts of writing.
WAC Clearinghouse at Colorado State
As the home site for the "Writing Across the Curriculum" (WAC) movement, this resource
offers news, archives, e-groups and journals, teaching tips, links to programs, calls
for papers, etc.
Muriel Harris's Teaching One-to-One: The Writing Conference
Dr. Muriel Harris's landmark book (1986) was extremely influential in writing center studies and is still relevant today. Chapter 5, "" provides excellent suggestions for successful writing conferences between teacher and student. Topics include helping students develop a topic, brainstorm, focus on a main point or thesis, organizing drafts, style, and strategies for grammatical correctness (can grammar be taught?).
University of Toronto Writing
Gives helpful ways to respond to students' writing before, during, and after grading. These guidelines are based on research studies of students' attitudes to grading and teacher commentary.
Online Resources: Avoiding Plagiarism
Robert Harris's "Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers"
Harris's article is a thoughtful exploration of the problems of plagiarism from both
a faculty and student perspective. It explores strategies of awareness, prevention,
and detection.
Plagiarism in Colleges in USA
Ronald Standler's collection of plagiarism data emphasizes the issue's legal aspects.