
Best synchronous online consultants aspire to replicate the interactive experience of live, face-to-face consultations that we conduct in the Center in order to provide better communication and improve learning. This means that our consultants try to communicate and interact with you through real-time response on working texts by using video and GoogleDocs.
First, you will need to make an appointment. Directions are available by visiting "Making an Appointment."
Once you have a confirmed appointment day and time, you will be given directions for how to prepare for an online appointment.
For online appointments you will need:
- a laptop or desktop computer
- video camera (either part of your laptop/desktop, or through a smartphone)
- internet access
Recommended (for optimal audio connection):
- a headset with mic
quiet space for conversation
When tech fails, don't panic!
If Zoom (our video conferencing application) does not work, we can still work with you on GoogleDocs while talking through a phone line.
Help us improve online consultations. Please fill out this short after you finish your consultation session.