
While Writing @ CI gives you access to a number of resources, sometimes you need a conversation with an experienced writer who can help you with a specific assignment.

CI offers several resources for on-campus support with academic papers and tasks:

  • Peer writing tutors are available at the University Writing Center in Broome Library 2675.Just drop in or call 805-437-8934.
  •  If your circumstances make it hard to come to campus for in person tutoring, email tutors may be available. Check the Writing Center website.
  • Instructional Support for credential/graduate students working on advanced degree writing and longer projects (like theses or portfolios) is available at El Dorado Hall. Drop by the Graduate Writing Studio or call 805-437-3579.
  • For support with math and other subjects, the Learning Resource Center offers walk-in support with extended hours.
  • Information on campus technology support is available through IT.
  • Help in creating posters and presentations is available through library multimedia.
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