
Student Business Services (SBS)

Location: Sage Hall in the Enrollment Center

Business Hours:

  • It can be M-F 8:30 am -5:00 pm, but check our website for any closure. 

Tuition and Other Fees

Students must first register for classes before tuition and other fees can be paid. Below are a few important facts to remember:

  • Account balances and important notices are obtained through students' accounts.
  • Regular updates and deadline information are sent to students through Dolphin email
  • Partial payments are accepted with an approved, electronically signed Tuition Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) contract on file with SBS.
  • Please note that payments cannot be processed after the due date. See Payment Deadlines. Non-payment may result in dis-enrollment. Check your  account for notices.

For general information, please refer to the Student Business Services website at: http://www.csuci.edu/sbs

Payment Deadlines

Please remember that all account activity and balance information can be found through . The navigation to check financial information is: > SA Self Service > Campus Finances > Account Inquiry

When registering for classes during:Payment is due by 5:00pm on:
November 30th, 2015 to January 19th, 2016January 19th, 2016
January 20th, 2016 or laterTuesday following registration*

*Late Registration: If a student registers for any classes on or after January 25, 2016, you must first obtain an instructor's permission number and then, to avoid dis-enrollment, pay all student charges immediately upon registration. A $25 late registration fee may be assessed.

Adding Additional Classes:

If a student adds more classes after the initial enrollment, s/he must adhere to the payment deadline . Failure to pay the additional fees associated with adding more classes may result in dis-enrollment.

Resident Tuition, Other Fees, and Non-resident Tuition Per Semester

The º£½ÇÉçÇø makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, º£½ÇÉçÇø must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All º£½ÇÉçÇø listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 - 66028.6 of the Education Code).


Fee Category0 - 6.0 units6.1+ units
Associated Students Fee$75.00$75.00
Health Facilities Fee$3.00$3.00
Instructionally Related Activities Fee$60.00$60.00
Materials, Services & Facilities Fee$65.00$65.00
Tuition Fee$1,587.00$2,736.00
Student Body Center Fee$162.00$162.00
Student Health Service Fee$95.00$95.00
Recreation & Athletics Fee$70.00$70.00
Total Basic Fees$2,117.00$3,266.00


Fee Category0 - 6.0 units6.1+ units
Associated Students Fee$75.00$75.00
Health Facilities Fee$3.00$3.00
Instructionally Related Activities Fee$60.00$60.00
Materials, Services & Facilities Fee$65.00$65.00
Tuition Fee$1,842.00$3,174.00
Student Body Center Fee$162.00$162.00
Student Health Service Fee$95.00$95.00
Recreation & Athletics Fee$70.00$70.00
Total Basic Fees$2,372.00


Graduate/Post Bac.

Fee Category0 - 6.0 units6.1+ units
Associated Students Fee$75.00$75.00
Health Facilities Fee$3.00$3.00
Instructionally Related Activities Fee$60.00$60.00
Materials, Services & Facilities Fee$65.00$65.00
Tuition Fee$1,953.00$3,369.00
Student Body Center Fee$162.00$162.00
Student Health Service Fee$95.00$95.00
Recreation & Athletics Fee$70.00$70.00
Total Basic Fees$2,483.00



Dis-enrollment can occur for the following reasons:

  • Tuition, campus-based fees, lab fees, or other miscellaneous fees are not paid by the published due date.
  • The TIPP monthly payment is not paid by the published due date.
  • If fees are not paid by Tuesday at 5 p.m. on the next Tuesday following registration for those registrations that occur after January 20th, 2016.

Nonresident and International Student Fees

Nonresident and international students are required to pay the resident tuition and other fees, and an additional $372.00 per unit.

How to Pay:

  • Credit Cards: CI accepts MasterCard, VISA, Diner's Club, AMEX, and Discover credit cards. All credit card transactions are completed online. Log into your myCI account and go to: CI Records > SA Self Service > Campus Finances > Make a Payment. Then click on the box called "Login to CashNet" to proceed. A merchant-imposed convenience fee is applied to all credit card transactions. For detailed instructions on how to use this payment method, please reference the Student Business Services PDF How to Make an On-Line Credit Card PaymentÌý(, 372 KB)
  • By Mail: Payments can be mailed to Student Business Services. These must be received by the due date as postmark dates are not honored. Please make checks payable to º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands, and be sure to include the 9-digit CI ID number. Mail to: Student Business Services, º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands, One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012.
  • °¿²Ô±ô¾±²Ô±ð:ÌýE-check payments are accepted online at no additional charge. Log into your myCI account and go to: CI Records > SA Self Service > Campus Finances > Make a Payment. Then click on the box called "Login to CashNet" to proceed. For detailed instructions on how to use this payment method, please reference the Student Business Services PDFHow to Make an Electronic Check PaymentÌý(, 515KB)
  • In Person: Payments are accepted during business hours at Student Business Services at the address noted above. Cash, checks, or money orders are accepted.
  • Drop Box: Payments can also be placed in a drop box that is located outside the parking lot entrance to Sage Hall. These payments will be processed within 48 business hours.

Tuition Installment Payment Plan (TIPP)

º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Tuition Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) enables students, who are in good financial standing with CI, to pay for tuition in installments at no interest, with only a $33.00 non-refundable administrative fee (per semester) required. The TIPP contract can only be accessed and signed online through the student's account. This fee is non-refundable even if the student later receives financial aid, decides they do no longer want a TIPP, or class(es) are dropped or canceled for any reason. The TIPP payment plan applies to tuition charges and campus based fees. The TIPP contract and the first payment must be submitted to Student Business Services by the published due date. In addition to the first payment of tuition charges, the first TIPP payment must also include lab fees and other miscellaneous fees as these do not fall under TIPP guidelines. These fees will make the first TIPP payment higher than the remaining TIPP payments.

Spring 2016 TIPP Payment due dates:

1st payment* January 19, 2016 at 5:00pm
2nd payment February 19, 2016
3rd payment March 19, 2016
*student must pay the TIPP $33 contract fee, all lab fees and any other miscellaneous fees with the 1st payment.

Below are a few additional important details about TIPP:

  • A student may be dropped from the program for failure to submit the TIPP contract, first payment, lab fees and other miscellaneous fees by the published due date.
  • A $25.00 fee will be assessed for late payments.
  • A student who signs a TIPP and later is awarded financial aid must continue to make the TIPP payments until financial aid has been applied to the account. There will be no refund of the $33 TIPP fee after the TIPP contract is signed.
  • If the obligations under the terms of the TIPP are not met, students will not be able to participate in this plan for future semesters.
  • The plan is only available during the period for which charges are due. The TIPP is not available after a due date.

For more information, please contact Student Business Services or refer to the Student Business Services website at http://www.csuci.edu/sbs.

Returned Items

A $25.00 fee is applied to a student account for any returned items from the bank or for a declined credit card transaction. If enrollment has already occurred, classes may be cancelled. If this happens, the student must re-register and pay a $25 late registration fee. Please note that all financial balances must be resolved and registration holds cleared to avoid delays in registration and/or to fulfill graduation requirements.

Special Course Fees

Lab Fees

Several courses require the payment of lab fees as a condition of enrollment. These fees may be indicated in the Schedule of Classes next to the course listing. Lab fees are paid with tuition and other fees, and are subject to the payment deadlines. Lab fees range from $15 to $1,000 per course. Student accounts will automatically be credited for lab courses if dropped by the add/drop deadline. Lab courses dropped after the deadline will not be refunded.

Breakage Card Fees

Several courses require a breakage card fee of $25.00, which may be refunded at the end of the semester once confirmation is sent to Student Business Services stating that nothing was broken and all supplies were returned. A partial refund may apply in some cases.

Dolphin Card/ID

All new and transfer CI students are required to purchase their photo ID card. These can be purchased for $15.00 in the Student Business Services office. A photo identification (e.g. valid California Driver's License, a DMV ID, or a passport) is required to confirm student’s identity. If a Dolphin Card is lost, replacements can be purchased for $15.00.

The Dolphin Card is used for:

  • transactions with Transportation & Parking Services
  • Credential Services
  • Enrollment Management transactions
  • Student Business Services transactions
  • To obtain campus services from the Library
  • the Student Health and Counseling Center
  • the Student Union and Recreation Center
  • Housing and Residential Education (check-in and board plans)

Housing Fees

For more information about Housing payments and the Housing Installment Payment Plan (HIPP), please refer to the Housing website at: http://www.csuci.edu/parking.

Parking Fees

For more information about Parking see Transportation & Parking Services, contact them at 805-437-8430, e-mail them at parking@csuci.edu, or visit http://www.csuci.edu/parking.

Late Payments Fees

A $25 late payment fee will apply to any charge not paid by the due date. A missed TIPP or HIPP payment will be subject to a $25 charge for each missed payment. Students who sign a TIPP or HIPP and expect to receive financial aid at a later date are responsible to make each payment until the financial aid has been applied to their account. Pending financial aid is not considered a payment.

Cancellation of Registration

A student is eligible for a full refund if fees were paid but no enrollment occurred, or if all classes were dropped prior to the first day of instruction for the term. Procedures for withdrawal and eligibility requirements are available in the Enrollment Center or in the Schedule of Classes. A full refund of tuition and other fees for both residents and nonresidents tuition occurs under the following circumstances:

  • The tuition and fees were collected in error.
  • The course for which the tuition and other fees were collected was cancelled by the University.
  • The University made a delayed decision that the student was not eligible to enroll in the term for which the tuition and other fees were collected, and that delayed decision was not due to incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the student.
  • The student was activated for compulsory military service.

Note: Students who register for courses offered by the University are obligated for the payment of fees associated with registration for those courses. Failure to cancel registration in any course for an academic term gives rise to an obligation to pay tuition and other fees for the reservation of space in the course(s).

Prorated Refunds for Complete Withdrawals

Beginning with the first day of instruction for the term, refunds for complete withdrawals will be prorated based on the date of withdrawal and up to the 60 percent point of the term length for the academic period. Refunds are processed automatically. A student who officially withdraws after the 60 percent point in the academic period will not be entitled to a refund.

Refunds for Partial Withdrawals

A student who drops some, but not all, units resulting in a lower mandatory fee obligation by February 19th, 2016, will be entitled to a refund of the applicable difference in fees. Refunds are processed automatically. A student who fails to drop classes that would result in a lower fee category by the deadline will not be entitled to a refund.

Note: Students are responsible for verifying their withdrawal from classes.

Refunds/Address Change

Students may receive refunds via Direct Deposit, check, or original form of payment.

  • To enroll in Direct Deposit please visit http://www.csuci.edu/sbs/direct-deposit.htm.
  • Please allow 6 to 8 weeks to process an original form of payment refund (cc, check).
  • Please verify your address in to ensure your check is properly mailed.

Due to the timing of charges placed on the student accounts, it's possible that a refund could be initiated even though the student account has not been paid in full. Students are encouraged to review their accounts on a regular basis to avoid late fees and/or a financial hold, and to keep the mailing address current.

Federal Military Selective Service Act

In California, students subject to the Federal Military Selective Service Act (the Act) must first register with the Selective Service System in order to receive any need-based student grants funded by the state or public postsecondary institution. Selective Service registration forms are available at any U.S. Post Office, and many high schools have a staff member or teacher appointed as a Selective Service Registrar. Applicants for financial aid can also request that the information entered on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) be used to register them with the Selective Service. Males born after December 31, 1959 may be required to submit a statement of compliance with the Act and regulations in order to receive any grant, loan, or work assistance under specified provisions of existing federal law. Information about registering with the Selective Service System can be found online at .


Students enrolling under a University-sanctioned program (see below) may have some portion or all of their tuition and other fees waived or paid by a sponsoring organization. The signed authorization/voucher must be submitted to Student Business Services at least one week prior to the fee deadline. The employer/agency will then be invoiced for the authorized amount, or actual, if less. Payment is due within thirty days.

Authorizations with payment restrictions are not accepted. If the employer/agency does not assume responsibility for the full amount of registration fees, the student will be held responsible to pay the difference by the published due date.

  • Corporate/Organization Sponsorship: A contractual agreement between the sponsoring agency and CI, or a prior arrangement with Student Business Services, is required. Students then submit their signed authorization to SBS (see Sponsorships).
  • Federal Government: A signed authorization, written on letterhead stationery of a recognized branch of the Federal Government, is required (see Sponsorships).
  • ²Ñ¾±±ô¾±³Ù²¹°ù²â/¸é°¿°Õ°ä:ÌýAuthorization bearing the signature of the commanding officer or recognized official, written on letterhead stationery or a 1556 form which clearly indicates the sponsoring agency, is required. Conditional authorizations are not accepted (see Sponsorships).
  • State and Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation: Signed authorization from the State Department of Rehabilitation or Veterans Administration is required (see Sponsorships).
  • Veterans Services: Students who are eligible with the Veterans Administration can seek education allowances under provisions of any Veterans Act. Students who are eligible with the Veterans Administration can seek education allowances under provisions of any Veterans Act. Students who wish to draw benefits, and are enrolled for any semester, are required to have their current program on file with the VA Certifying Official, who can be reached at 805-437-3524.


º£½ÇÉçÇø Employee Fee Waiver and Reduction Program

The California State University offers eligible employees and dependents the opportunity to enroll in the º£½ÇÉçÇø Employee Fee Waiver and Reduction Program. This program provides for the waiver or reduction of certain fees for employees and dependents whom enroll in work related courses offered by the º£½ÇÉçÇø for the purpose of improving skills for existing jobs, or advancement in accordance with a career development plan. This program allows the employee to transfer their benefit to a spouse, dependent, or domestic partner. Each semester, applications, along with an approved waiver form, need to be submitted to the Human Resources Programs Department. Also, by the published due date, a copy of the approved waiver is required at the time of fee payment to Student Business Services. For more information please visit Fee waiver program

Intra-System Concurrent Enrollment

Students participating in this program who are California residents pay tuition and other fees at their home campus. Non-resident participants are required to pay any additional fees to CI.

Intra-System Visitor Enrollment

California resident students participating in this program pay their fees at the host º£½ÇÉçÇø campus.

Veteran's Dependents

The Division of Veteran Services of the State Department can be contacted in relation to Federal Benefits. A Veteran Dependent recipient will receive an authorization letter to pay the tuition fee. Eligible students are required to submit their Cal Vet Fee waiver authorization letter to CI's Veteran's Administration Certifying Official, along with fee payment (if applicable). Fees may include campus-based fees, lab fees, and miscellaneous fees. These are due by the fee deadline date listed in the Schedule of Classes. For more information, call 805-437-3524.

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