
Changes of Program are official only after they have been processed on-line or at the Enrollment Center.

Please make every effort to complete all your changes during the first three weeks of the semester.

* Student eligibility for financial aid is based on enrollment. A student who completely withdraws from the semester may be subject to repayment (including medical withdrawals). Financial aid recipients should consult a financial aid representative for additional information.

Criteria for Add/Drop or Changes in the Basis of Grading

Students should note that a deficient academic performance is not a sufficient reason for dropping a class or changing the basis of grading after the third week. Students must present proof of a serious and compelling reason for withdrawal. Please see the Registration section of this Schedule of Classes for procedures. The Registrar's website is located at /registrar/.

Medical Withdrawal

A medical withdrawal constitutes complete withdrawal from the University for the term in question. Beginning with the fourth week of the semester, students who find it necessary to withdraw from the University for medical reasons will be required to present documentation in addition to the Term Withdrawal form, supporting their request. Financial aid recipients should consult a financial aid representative regarding the implications of a complete withdrawal. Students living on campus should also consult with Housing & Residential Education concerning their contractual obligations. The Term Withdrawal form can be found on the Registrar's Office Forms Library at /registrar/rec_reg_library.htm.

Withdrawal Limits

Withdrawal Requests are limited to 18 units during your academic career at CI. After this total is reached, further course withdrawal is not allowed. View your totals by logging into , and selecting CI Records in the menu. Once you are in the Student Center, click on the "other academic..." drop-down box, and select Withdrawals/Repeats.

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