
The Acronym Guide (TAG)

The Acronym Guide (begun by the Office of the President in 2023) is a resource for campus community members to reference for abbreviations they may not be familiar with. 

A-C | D-F | G-N | O-S | T-Z

AAC Academic Affairs Council
AANAPISI Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution
ABP Academic Budget and Planning
ACo Articulation and Curriculum Office
AID Accessibility and Inclusive Design
ALO Accreditation Liaison Officer
ASC Administrative/Academic Support Coordinator
AMP Academic Master Plan
APCI Academic Programs and Continuous Improvement
APPC Academic Policy and Planning Committee
A&S School of Arts & Sciences
ASSET Academic Student Success Excellence Team
AVP Assistant/Associate Vice President
AY Academic Year
AYUDAS Articulating Your Undergraduate Degree & Academic Success in STEM
BFA (DBFA) Business & Financial Affairs (Division of Business & Financial Affairs
BIPOC Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
BOT Board of Trustees
BTE Bell Tower East
BTW Bell Tower West
CAPS Counseling and Psychological Services
CARR CI Academics Requirements Report
CBA Collective Bargaining Agreement
CCE Center for Community Engagement 
CCS Campus Climate Surveys
CDAE Career Development and Alumni Engagement
CDO Chief Data Officer
ChilFASA Chicana/o Latina/o Faculty and Staff Association 
C&GR Community & Government Relations/Office of the President
CI Channel Islands (informal)
CIA Center for International Affairs
CIMAS º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Initiatives
CIS Center for Integrated Studies
CLC Critical Learning Collectives
CME Center for Multicultural Engagement
C&PR Communication & Public Relations/Office of the President
CO Chancellor's Office
CoC Charting Our Course
º£½ÇÉçÇø California State University
º£½ÇÉçÇøCI º£½ÇÉçÇø
CYS Channel Your Success


DAA Division of Academic Affairs
DASS Disability Accommodations and Support Services
DBFA Division of Business & Financial Affairs
DEIA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
DFWI Courses where students receive a D/F, withdraw or incomplete grades
DIGs Dolphin Interest Groups
DP Degree Planner
DSA Division of Student Affairs
DSP Directed Self Placement
DUA Division of University Advancement
EAP Employee Assistance Program (employees)
EAP  Early Assessment program (students)
EH&S Environmental Health and Safety
EIP Equity Inquire Project
ELDAC Employee Development and Learning Advisory Council
EM Emergency Management
EO Executive Order
EOC Emergency Operations Center
EOP Educational Opportunity Program
EPA Educational Partnership Agreement
EPM/EPT Embedded Peer Mentor/Tutor
EU Extended University
FA Financial Aid office
FASE Faculty Affairs, Success, and Equity
FEAP Faculty Equity Advocate Program
FIT Faculty Innovations in Teaching (Studio)
FIVO Freshman Island View Orientation
FS Facilities Services
FTE Full Time Equivalent 
FTFT Full Time, First Time Student
FY Fiscal Year
FYE First Year Experience
FYM First Year Math


GE General Education
GI2025 Graduate Initiative 2025
GPA Grade Point Average
GSR Graduate Studies & Research
HACU Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
HIPEE High Impact Practices & Experiential Education
HSI Hispanic Serving Institution
HUGS Historically Underrepresented Groups
IEAP Inclusive Excellence Action Plan
IEAT Inclusive Excellence Action Team (IEAP Methodology)
IFSA International Faculty and Staff Association
IR Institutional Research/Office of the President
ISS Inclusive Student Services
LC/LLCs Learning Communities/Living-Learning Communities
LRC Learning Resource Center
MAP Multi-year Academic Plan
Math MINDS Math Institute for Nurturing Developing Skills
MBC Mission-Based Centers
MCO Marketing Calendar Office
MLA Middle Leadership Academy
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPP Management Personnel Plan (administrator)
MSI Minority Serving Institution
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAISA Native American and Indigenous Student Association
NSO New Student Orientation
NTTF Non-Tenure-Track Faculty


OC Oxnard College
OSR Office of Student Research
OTP Office of the President
OUHSD Oxnard Union High School District
P-Card/Pro-Card Procurement Card
PACIE President's Advisory Council for Inclusive Excellence
PCAC President's Chumash Advisory Council
PDC Planning, Design and Construction
PEEP Peer Education and Equity Programs
PEEPs Peer Education and Equity Program Mentors
PGAC Planned Giving Advisory Council
PMAF Position Management Action Form
PPPC President's Planning & Policy Council
PROMESAS Pathways with Regional Outreach and Mathematics Excellence for Student Achievement in STEM
PS Public Safety
QR Quantitative Reasoning
REP Regional Educational Partnerships (department in Office of the President)
RSC Reaffirmation Steering Committee
RSP Research and Sponsored Programs
RTP Retention, Tenure, and Promotion
RTSSS Regional Transfer Student Success Summit
SA (DSA) Student Affairs (Division of Student Affairs)
SAPP Student Academic Policies and Procedures Committee
SASEI Student Academic Success & Equity Initiatives
SB Schedule Builder
SBS Student Business Services
SIGUE Success and Inclusion for Graduate & Undergraduate Academic Excellence
SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals
SOC Schedule of Classes
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
SRIRS Santa Rosa Island Research Station
SRPC Strategic Resource Planning Committee
SSA Summer Success Academy
SSP Student Services Professional
SUB Student Union Building (informal)
SURF Summer Undergraduate Research Fund


TAE Temporary Academic Employment
TER Travel Expense Reimbursement
T.H.R.I.V.E. T - Teaching & Technology, H - High-Touch & Human-Centered, R - Revised & Reenergized, I - Interaction & Impact, V - Vulnerability & Variability, E - Equity, Empathy, and Engagement
TLC Teaching and Learning Continuity
TLi Teaching and Learning Innovations
TPR Thematic Pathway for Review/WSCUC Accreditation
TPS Transportation and Parking Services
UH University Hall
UPAC University Police Advisory Council
UPD University Police Department
VPAA Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
VPBFA Vice President Business & Financial Affairs
VPSA Vice President for Student Affairs
VPUA Vice President for University Advancement
WMC Writing & Multiliteracy Center


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