The Acronym Guide (TAG)
The Acronym Guide (begun by the Office of the President in 2023) is a resource for campus community members to reference for abbreviations they may not be familiar with.
A-C | |
AAC | Academic Affairs Council |
AANAPISI | Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution |
ABP | Academic Budget and Planning |
ACo | Articulation and Curriculum Office |
AID | Accessibility and Inclusive Design |
ALO | Accreditation Liaison Officer |
ASC | Administrative/Academic Support Coordinator |
AMP | Academic Master Plan |
APCI | Academic Programs and Continuous Improvement |
APPC | Academic Policy and Planning Committee |
A&S | School of Arts & Sciences |
ASI | |
ASSET | Academic Student Success Excellence Team |
AVP | Assistant/Associate Vice President |
AY | Academic Year |
AYUDAS | Articulating Your Undergraduate Degree & Academic Success in STEM |
BFA (DBFA) | Business & Financial Affairs (Division of Business & Financial Affairs |
BIPOC | Black, Indigenous, and People of Color |
BOT | Board of Trustees |
BTE | Bell Tower East |
BTW | Bell Tower West |
CAPS | Counseling and Psychological Services |
CARR | CI Academics Requirements Report |
CBA | Collective Bargaining Agreement |
CCE | Center for Community Engagement |
CCS | Campus Climate Surveys |
CDAE | Career Development and Alumni Engagement |
CDO | Chief Data Officer |
CFA | |
ChilFASA | Chicana/o Latina/o Faculty and Staff Association |
C&GR | Community & Government Relations/Office of the President |
CI | Channel Islands (informal) |
CIA | Center for International Affairs |
CIMAS | º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Initiatives |
CIS | Center for Integrated Studies |
CLC | Critical Learning Collectives |
CME | Center for Multicultural Engagement |
C&PR | Communication & Public Relations/Office of the President |
º£½ÇÉçÇøEU | |
CO | Chancellor's Office |
CoC | Charting Our Course |
º£½ÇÉçÇø | California State University |
º£½ÇÉçÇøCI | º£½ÇÉçÇø |
CYS | Channel Your Success |
D-F | |
DAA | Division of Academic Affairs |
DASS | Disability Accommodations and Support Services |
DBFA | Division of Business & Financial Affairs |
DEIA | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility |
DFWI | Courses where students receive a D/F, withdraw or incomplete grades |
DIGs | Dolphin Interest Groups |
DP | Degree Planner |
DSA | Division of Student Affairs |
DSP | Directed Self Placement |
DUA | Division of University Advancement |
EAB | |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program (employees) |
EAP | Early Assessment program (students) |
EH&S | Environmental Health and Safety |
EIP | Equity Inquire Project |
ELDAC | Employee Development and Learning Advisory Council |
ELF | |
EM | Emergency Management |
EO | Executive Order |
EOC | Emergency Operations Center |
EOP | Educational Opportunity Program |
EPA | Educational Partnership Agreement |
EPM/EPT | Embedded Peer Mentor/Tutor |
EU | Extended University |
FA | Financial Aid office |
FASE | Faculty Affairs, Success, and Equity |
FEAP | Faculty Equity Advocate Program |
FIT | Faculty Innovations in Teaching (Studio) |
FIVO | Freshman Island View Orientation |
FS | Facilities Services |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
FTFT | Full Time, First Time Student |
FY | Fiscal Year |
FYE | First Year Experience |
FYM | First Year Math |
G-N | |
GE | General Education |
GI2025 | Graduate Initiative 2025 |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
GSR | Graduate Studies & Research |
HACU | Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities |
HIPEE | High Impact Practices & Experiential Education |
HSI | Hispanic Serving Institution |
HUGS | Historically Underrepresented Groups |
IEAP | Inclusive Excellence Action Plan |
IEAT | Inclusive Excellence Action Team (IEAP Methodology) |
IFSA | International Faculty and Staff Association |
IR | Institutional Research/Office of the President |
ISS | Inclusive Student Services |
LC/LLCs | Learning Communities/Living-Learning Communities |
LRC | Learning Resource Center |
MAP | Multi-year Academic Plan |
Math MINDS | Math Institute for Nurturing Developing Skills |
MBC | Mission-Based Centers |
MCO | Marketing Calendar Office |
MLA | Middle Leadership Academy |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPP | Management Personnel Plan (administrator) |
MSI | Minority Serving Institution |
MVS | |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NAISA | Native American and Indigenous Student Association |
NSO | New Student Orientation |
NTTF | Non-Tenure-Track Faculty |
O-S | |
OC | Oxnard College |
OSR | Office of Student Research |
OTP | Office of the President |
OUHSD | Oxnard Union High School District |
P-Card/Pro-Card | Procurement Card |
PACIE | President's Advisory Council for Inclusive Excellence |
PCAC | President's Chumash Advisory Council |
PDC | Planning, Design and Construction |
PEEP | Peer Education and Equity Programs |
PEEPs | Peer Education and Equity Program Mentors |
PGAC | Planned Giving Advisory Council |
PMAF | Position Management Action Form |
PPPC | President's Planning & Policy Council |
PROMESAS | Pathways with Regional Outreach and Mathematics Excellence for Student Achievement in STEM |
PS | Public Safety |
QR | Quantitative Reasoning |
REP | Regional Educational Partnerships (department in Office of the President) |
RSC | Reaffirmation Steering Committee |
RSP | Research and Sponsored Programs |
RTP | Retention, Tenure, and Promotion |
RTSSS | Regional Transfer Student Success Summit |
SA (DSA) | Student Affairs (Division of Student Affairs) |
SAPP | Student Academic Policies and Procedures Committee |
SASEI | Student Academic Success & Equity Initiatives |
SB | Schedule Builder |
SBS | Student Business Services |
SIGUE | Success and Inclusion for Graduate & Undergraduate Academic Excellence |
SMART goals | Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals |
SOC | Schedule of Classes |
SOE | |
SOPs | Standard Operating Procedures |
SRIRS | Santa Rosa Island Research Station |
SRPC | Strategic Resource Planning Committee |
SSA | Summer Success Academy |
SSP | Student Services Professional |
SUB | Student Union Building (informal) |
SURF | Summer Undergraduate Research Fund |
T-Z | |
TAE | Temporary Academic Employment |
TER | Travel Expense Reimbursement |
T.H.R.I.V.E. | T - Teaching & Technology, H - High-Touch & Human-Centered, R - Revised & Reenergized, I - Interaction & Impact, V - Vulnerability & Variability, E - Equity, Empathy, and Engagement |
TLC | Teaching and Learning Continuity |
TLi | Teaching and Learning Innovations |
TPR | Thematic Pathway for Review/WSCUC Accreditation |
TPS | Transportation and Parking Services |
UAS | |
UH | University Hall |
UPAC | University Police Advisory Council |
UPCS | |
UPD | University Police Department |
VPAA | Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs |
VPBFA | Vice President Business & Financial Affairs |
VPSA | Vice President for Student Affairs |
VPUA | Vice President for University Advancement |
WASC | |
WMC | Writing & Multiliteracy Center |