An individual with Delegation of Authority has been designated to review and approve transactions and authorize the expenditure of monies. This delegation is tied to an individual’s role and responsibilities within the organization.
Individuals with this designation are expected to:
- Understand the nature or purpose of the expense/purchase and ensure supporting documentation is complete.
- Verify that the expense/purchase is utilizing the correct funding source (i.e., campus chartfields).
- Ensure that adequate funds are available to cover the expense/purchase and, if a multi-year commitment, that budget plans are fiscally sound and sustainable.
- Ensure that the funding source is appropriate for the expense/purchase and complies with any applicable spending requirements for the student fee revenue.
Financial Business Rules Committee
The Chancellor’s Office (CO) formed the Financial Business Rules Committee (FBRC) to identify a baseline delegation of authority structure for the º£½ÇÉçÇø. This committee was composed of campus and CO representatives who were charged with developing this standard for approval of financial transactions. Further information about this collaborative effort is available on the CSYou Delegation of Authority .
The following structure is under approval by our campus cabinet. It will act as the basis for assignment of fiscal authority for departments and related financial systems/transactions.
Level Definitions and Titles
Level | Level definition | Role/Titles | Approval Types/Permissions | Approval Authority Limits |
1 |
Individual with oversight over campus |
President, Designated Chief Financial Officer |
All Functions |
Purchases up to $999,999,999., except for sole source purchase approvals greater than $250,000 |
2 |
Individuals with oversight over divisions |
Provost, Vice President, Chief of Staff |
Approval for Hospitality(HO), Approval for Concur Travel Request and Expenses (TR & TE), Approval for º£½ÇÉçÇøBUY/P2P Goods & Services(JGS) |
Purchases up to $150,000. |
3 |
Individuals with oversight over College/Unit |
Deans, Associate Vice President (AVP), Vice Provost, Management Personnel Plan (*MPP) |
Approval for Concur Travel Requests and Expenses (TR & TE) Approval for º£½ÇÉçÇøBuy/P2P otherwise known as Goods & Services (JGS), Approval for Limited Hospitality (HO) |
Purchases up to $50,000. Hospitality limit of up to $2000 for on-campus event |
4 |
Individuals with delegated authority to spend from and manage approval budgets |
Management Personnel Plan (MPP) or Academic Equivalent, Associate Deans, Directors, Fiscal Officers (Budget/Business Managers) |
Approval for Concur Travel Requests and Expenses (TR & TE) Approval for º£½ÇÉçÇøBuy/P2P otherwise known as Goods & Services (JGS), Approval for Limited Hospitality (HO) |
Purchases up to $25,000. Hospitality limit of up to $2000 for on-campus event |
Note: Employees will be assigned levels based on role and then given authority at deptid/fund level by request. If no designation occur at the chartfield level then no actual delegation of authority has occurred for related systems/processes.
(*) To allow flexibility for division structures that do not have AVP representation.
Types of Transactions
The DOA structure/process was originally created to oversee fiscal approval authority. Approval may be in writing (including Adobe Sign) or via electronic workflow.
This includes the following types of transactions:
- Purchase of Goods and Services (JGS)- Authorized delegates may serve as the final approval authority on the purchase of software, independent contractor services, subscriptions, supply orders, and other transactions that have an impact to a department/fund’s budget. These types of transactions are abbreviated in the DOA Module as JGS. JGS transactions are not limited to those involving purchase order and pro-card purchase reconciliation.
- Hospitality (HO)- Authorized delegates may serve as the final approval authority on a university hosted event. Additional venue and spending restrictions may apply. Refer to level definitions and guidelines. These types of transactions are abbreviated in the DOA Module as HO.
- Travel Requests (TR)- Authorized delegates may serve as one of two approvers on travel requests that are reimbursable by specific department funds. The other approver is the employee’s manager. These types of transactions are abbreviated in the DOA Module as TR.
- Travel Expenses (TE)- Authorized delegates may serve as one of two approvers on travel expense reimbursements to travelers. The other approver is the employee’s manager. These types of transactions are abbreviated in the DOA Module as TE.
DOA Form
The and its workflow are located within Adobe Sign. (myCI access required)
DOA Module in CI Financials (CFS)
The new DOA Module in CI Financials (CFS) takes the guess work out of finding authorized
signers. A simple query by Department ID and/or Fund Code may be used to return a
list of authorized approvers/signers.
And this one central repository of campus approvers may also be used to look-up the
name of a signature to confirm its authority is valid. Campus partners who do not
currently have access to CI Financials (CFS), but who now have a business need to
be able to perform queries within the DOA Module are encouraged to speak with their
management and visit the CI Financials Support page to begin the process of requesting access to CI Financials (CFS).