
Key Requests

Logging In

Begin by navigating to the .






Accessing the Requisition Module

In order to access the key request forms, you will need to navigate to the requisition module. To do so, click the triangular logo in the upper-left corner. Doing this will open up the Main Module Menu in the left side-panel.

From here, click into Requisition under the Procurement section. This will open the requisition menu where you may being the request process.

Azzier Requisition Page

Creating an Item Request

Click into the 'Auto New' button located in the top header. This will create an Item Request number and auto-fill the OpenDate with the current date.

Auto New Button




Ensure that the radio button 'IsKeyRequest' is set to 'Yes'. Failing to do so will result in an error when filling out the request form.

Is Key Radio Button





Filling out Requester Information

The gray highlighted fields are required.
Please ensure you enter your Azzier ID under the Requester.
Key Request Page

Please keep a few things in mind when entering the descriptions. They should be short and direct, describing the access needed, building name, room numbers, and the recipient's name and Dolphin ID number.

Key Request Description FIeld

Once completed, the key tab will automatically open upon saving the requester information.

Maneuvering the Key Tab

Key TabPlease fill out the required gray field boxes with the recipient information.

Key Required Fields

Filling out the Keys Box

In the Keys section, you will now be able to enter door numbers for the request. Any authorizing signatures, keys, or codes should be based off of this section on the request as opposed to the description field.

Door Add Button

To add a key, click on the plus (+) button in the upper-left corner. This will open up the Key Details pop up.

Enter the building code and room number in the Location field. You are able to bring up a search window by clicking on the magnifying glass.

Be sure to indicate if the door is interor or exteriror in the radio button selection. In addition, you are able to add any comments related to this specific access line in the Remarks field.

Door Example

Save your progress and repeat for each door required.

Once complete, the Signature and Approval section will appear.

Changing Status to gather Signatures

In order to send the key request to the authorized signer, it must first be set to the appropriate status. On doing so, an automated email notification will be sent out to the authorized signer for the designated department. In order to do so, first exit out of the key tab by closing the pop up window. Back in the main item request screen click on Change Status to open a drop down menu. From here, select the appropriate department status and click save.

Azzer Change Status Menu

Your key request has now been officialy created and a notification has been sent out for authorization signatures.

Continuing on, the rest of the guide pertains to locating existing item requests, authorized requests, and status definitions.

Reviewing Existing Requests

Logging In

Begin by navigating to the .




Accessing the Requisition Module

In order to access the key request forms, you will need to navigate to the requisition module. To do so, click the triangular logo in the upper-left corner. Doing this will open up the Main Module Menu in the left side-panel.

From here, click into Requisition under the Procurement section. This will open the requisition menu where you may being the request process.

Azzier Requisition Page


Item Request Lookup

From the requisition main page, you are able to look up requests. You may do so by entering the Item Request Number in the ReqNum field or by Requester and Status fields, followed by clicking Look Up.

Maneuvering the Key Tab

Once the request has been looked up the first step is to click the Key button in the top header bar. This will take you into the Key Tab.

If you are an authorized signer for your department, you will see a pencil button next to Department Approval in the Approval/Authorization section. Clicking into this button will open the Approval/Authorization pop up window.

Signature Field

Click save and the request will be ready for submission to the Lock Shop.

At this point, the request has been authorized and is waiting approval. Continue on with the guide if you require changing a request's status.

Changing Request Status

From the main item request screen, click the Change Status button in the top bar menu.

Change Status Button

Azzier Change Status










Select Submit from the drop down menu and save.

The item request has now been fully submitted to the Lock Shop.


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