
Aug. 30, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

While I am extremely proud of our leadership team’s responses to ongoing requests for frequency, transparency, and consistency in our communication efforts, I also recognize the need for clarity and brevity with the Fall semester now underway – with consequent competing demands on our time. With this in mind, please see bulleted updates below, with additional links provided for those wanting to explore content in greater detail. We are continuing to consult with Ventura County Public Health to provide updates and assess safety protocols.

Positive Cases and Contact Tracing

Since August 23, we have 11 positive cases.

  • 10 students, 1 staff
  • There is no identified spread from positive cases involving classrooms.
  • 7 of 11 positive cases came to campus while feeling sick. Please help reinforce the message that students and employees need to stay home if they are not feeling well.
  • See º£½ÇÉçÇøCI’s Operational Briefing for COVID-19 Contact Tracing for details on contact tracing protocols and workflow.
  • Faculty: while not required, implementing assigned seating charts will be helpful in improving contact tracing protocols by better identifying those who meet CDC’s criteria for close contact.
  • Please remember to if you or someone you know may be COVID positive.

Verification of Vaccination Status

As of August 30, 2021:

  • 78% of all enrolled students and 84% of students taking at least one class in-person have certified vaccination status and provided required documentation.
  • 5% of students who have submitted their certification requesting a religious or medical exemption.

Employees:The majority of the campus bargaining units have signed MOU’s requiring weekly testing or proof of vaccination. As of August 30, 2021:

  • Excluding a small group of employees (who will be receiving in-person support on uploading verifications this week) and student assistants (who are being accounted for through their student requirement), fifty-three (53) employees have not yet uploaded verification of being fully vaccinated.
  • Sixteen (16) employees have a medical or religious exemption with weekly testing required.

Notifications of Individuals Not Permitted on Campus (NPOC)

  • Messaging is sent every Friday to notify both managers and the specific employees who are out of compliance with verification, testing, and/or training requirement.
  • Faculty please review the for information and details on faculty notification of students NPOC and other support services available.

Vaccination Clinics and Testing Services

  • Upcoming vaccine clinics for the FDA-approved Pfizer are scheduled for September , and . Vaccines are free for the campus community.
  • COVID testing is available on campus. Please do not come to the on-campus testing clinic if you are positive or symptomatic. For these individuals, contact healthycsuci@csuci.edu so steps can be taken for on-campus testing that will minimize interaction with others.

Please contact your supervisor or Dean with any questions or reach out via email at csuci.news@csuci.edu and your inquiry will be directed to the appropriate area for response.

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