
Clearly, there is much to be done and much being done. In our efforts to create a sustainable business model aligned with our long-term strategic vision, we will be intentional in avoiding common pitfalls that merely balance the budget on a short-term basis. These pitfalls include 1) arbitrary 鈥渁cross the board鈥 cuts to spending; 2) forgetting to discover and protect economic engines; and 3) failing to fully engage a broad group of stakeholders in budget reduction and planning processes. We have options for how to synthesize all of this, one of which is to name the ways in which we have been planning strategically for much of the past two years: (1) Academic Master Plan; (2) Plan for achieving GI 2025 goals and equity priorities; (3) Plan for DEIA praxis through our IEAP and associated teams; (4) Integrated Communication Marketing Plan and its market research project, website audit, and web refresh; (5) Reorganizing Enrollment Management & Marketing and building toward a Strategic Enrollment Management Plan; (6) Thematic Pathway Review plan for re-accreditation, with our WASC visit scheduled for Spring 2024; and (7) The beginnings of a Strategic Integrated Budget Planning process.

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