***This program has now ended. This page is for archival purposes only.***
Supplies & Services
The STEM Center offers many items and services to help with your academic success. We ask that you please adhere to the following guidelines when utilizing our supplies and services:
- Students must log in and log out upon their arrival and exit, regardless of the purpose of their visit.
- Once logged in, students may take an open seat, get settled with their materials, and raise the subject flag for which they would like help.
- The STEM Center is not responsible for items that are lost or left unattended. STEM Center staff or tutors will not watch your items for you.
- Students will respect the materials and environment of the STEM Center. Students will pick up their trash, treat STEM Center property with care, and will refrain from theft or vandalism.
- The STEM Center office, supply shelves, and welcome desk area are off-limits to anyone who is not a current STEM Center employee.
- The STEM Center provides resources for student use. These resources include: laptops, desktops, textbooks, scientific and graphing calculators, anatomical models, microscopes, tissue slides, molecular models,office supplies, and whiteboard markers/erasers. Students who wish to borrow any of the supplies should ask for assistance from a STEM Center employee. Items must remain in the STEM Center at all times.
What We Expect From STEM Center Visitors
- Log in and out of the STEM Center via TutorTrac iPads
- Bring your textbooks and notes
- Attempt problems on your own
- Speak up when you need help
- Be considerate of others around you
- Have your student ID ready when checking out materials
- Be aware of tutoring hours
- Take phone calls outside
- Understand that STEM Center Tutors are required to circulate between all student visitors at regular intervals.
- Please understand that STEM Center Tutors will not complete assignments or exams for you.
- Please understand that STEM Center Tutors are students too, and are only available as scheduled.
What is Expected of STEM Center Staff
- Greet everyone with a friendly face
- Assist visitors with logging in, and connect them with the appropriate tutor
- Wear Project PROMESAS t-shirt and name tag, and hang tutor profile on STEM Center door
- Be approachable, friendly, patient, and resourceful
- Keep STEM Center quiet and clean
- Refer visitors to tutoring schedules and other tutors when needed
- Connect students with others working on same material
- Attempt all problems within your disciplines
- Thank visitors for coming and let them know when additional help is available
Students with Disabilities
The mission of CI’s Disability Accommodations and Support Services (DASS) is to empower and support students with physical, learning or psychological disabilities so that they can participate as fully in and benefit as equitably from University campus life as non-disabled students to realize their academic and personal potential. The STEM Center supports the efforts of Disability Accommodations and Support Services by offering tutoring accommodations for students with disabilities. For more information, please visit the DASS website.