Governance Subcommittee
Recordkeeping, interpretation, and drafting of official CI Staff Council bylaws are overseen by the Staff Council Governance Subcommittee. Feel free to direct any questions about Staff Council bylaws to the subcommittee chair.
Governance Subcommittee |
Chair: | Paula Robertson |
Member: | Brian Lindgren |
Member: | Courtney Gross |
Exec Board Liaison: | Custodian of Records - Amanda Sanchez |
Council Constitution & Bylaws
Download the CI Staff Council Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution & Bylaws, July 2024 (, 130KB)
Constitution & Bylaws, July 2024 (, 103KB)
Read the CI Staff Council Constitution & Bylaws - Full Text Below
Article I: Name
- The official name of this organization shall be the California State University (º£½ÇÉçÇø) Channel Islands Staff Council. It may be referred in short as Staff Council.
Article II: Purpose
- º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council is an organization that sponsors programs, services, and events with the charge to promote communication, staff recognition, and a sense of community in the workplace.
- The º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall address university or community issues not covered by collective bargaining. The Staff Council may provide advice on community and academic-related matters.
- The º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council reports directly to the campus President or their designee.
Article III: Membership
- º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall consist of a group of elected staff members from represented areas on campus.
- All non-faculty employees are represented by the º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council.
- Ex-Officio members are non-voting representatives. They are not restricted to the above limitations and act in an advisory capacity.
Article IV: Executive Board Members (Officers)
- The º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council leadership consists of an Executive Board elected by the staff council.
- The Executive Board of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall be:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Custodian of Records
Article V: Meetings
- Regular and special meetings of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council and the Executive Board shall be held as defined in the Bylaws.
Article VI: Amendments
- Amendments to this Constitution shall be made only at regular meetings of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council.
- Record of Amendments:
- Adopted July 2016
- Amended February 2022
- Amended June 2024 (31.5KB)
- Record of Amendments:
- Membership
- Executive Board and Officers
- Committees
- Elections
- Meetings
- Policies and Resolutions
- Amendments
Article I: Membership
- º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council will consist of elected employees to serve as representatives for the general staff population.
- Each division will nominate and elect 2-3 representatives for their division.
- Elected representatives must be a member of the division which they represent.
- Represented areas and their number of representatives include:
- Academic Affairs (3)
- Business and Financial Affairs (3)
- Office of the President (2)
- Student Affairs (3)
- University Advancement (2)
- All represented staff employees of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands and its auxiliaries who are
employed on a half-time basis, or more, with an initial appointment of at least 11
months or more are eligible to serve as a member of Staff Council.
- º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council members shall serve three-year terms.
- º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council members may serve multiple, consecutive terms if elected by the staff population.
- The º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council fiscal year shall be from July 1st through June 30th, and all terms of officers and members shall coincide with the fiscal year.
- Staggered terms may be instituted at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- If a voting member of the council is unable to attend regular meetings, the member
should be represented by proxy acceptable to the º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council
Chair. Notice of absences shall be submitted to the Chair prior to the meeting.
- If a voting member is absent without proxy from 3 regular meetings in any fiscal year, the member may be considered for removal at the next regular meeting of the Staff Council.
- If a voting member is absent with proxy from 5 regular meetings in any fiscal year, the member may be considered for removal at the next regular meeting of the Staff Council.
- If a representative is removed from their original area of coverage (due to job change,
office move, etc.) the division may elect a new representative through a special election
- If the original representative is remaining on campus in an eligible role, they may opt to remain on the council for the duration of their elected term as a representative for their new division.
Article II: Executive Board and Officers
- The Executive board is comprised of officer positions and serves as the leadership to the staff council.
- The Officers of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall be:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Custodian of Records
- All officers shall be elected by the membership of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council at the May meeting of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council.
- Any currently employed º£½ÇÉçÇøCI staff with previous campus committee experience may be nominated to run for an Executive Board Position.
- Officers shall serve for a term of three years. Officers may serve consecutive terms
if elected by the Staff Council.
- Executive Board positions have a two-term limit.
- Anyone who is elected to be an Executive Board Position will give up their Membership Seat. Vacated Staff Council Seats may be filled mid-term by an appointment by their division.
- The Staff Council Chair may appoint any council member to fill officer positions if they remain vacant following an election.
- Duties of Officers
- The Chair shall:
- Preside at all meetings of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council and the Executive Board;
- Appoint all members of committees with the approval of the Executive Board;
- Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Governance Committee;
- Vote only when needed to constitute a quorum or to break a tie vote;
- Appoint other such people who will expedite the work of the º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council;
- Provide a Chair Report, including all committee reports at regular monthly meetings;
- Be responsible for the installation of the newly-elected officers and Executive Board;
- The Vice Chair shall:
- Assume the duties of the Chair, in the absence of the Chair, or at any other time upon request of the Chair;
- Act as liaison between the Executive Board and all appointed committees of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council, having complete charge of the referral process and responsibility for reporting to the Executive Board on the current status of work assigned to committees;
- Assume the duties of the Chair for the unexpired term in the event the Chair is unable to complete the term of office;
- Perform other duties as may be deemed necessary and assigned by the Chair.
- The Secretary shall:
- Assume the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and the Vice Chair;
- Keep records of minutes and committee reports; see those minutes of all regular and special meetings of (º£½ÇÉçÇø) Channel Islands Staff Council are kept and appropriately distributed;
- Prepare an agenda and send to membership with a notice of each meeting;
- Conduct general correspondence of the organization;
- Perform other duties as may be deemed necessary and assigned by the Chair.
- The Treasurer shall:
- Be responsible for all money acquired by º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council;
- Submit the treasurer's report at each monthly meeting of the Executive Board and Staff Council
- Pay all bills when properly authorized by the Chair or Vice Chair;
- Assist the Chair in the preparation of the proposed annual budget;
- Perform other duties as may be deemed necessary and assigned by the Chair.
- The Custodian of Records shall:
- Ensure Committee documents/records are submitted in a timely manner and distributed to new committee chairs as appropriate;
- Be responsible for º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council correspondence with regard to recognition, get well wishes, sympathy cards, etc.;
- Receive and label all photographs and articles regarding º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council functions;
- Notify officers/members of their election;
- Submit updates of elected officer information to telephone directory on annual basis; maintain the distribution list for º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council on a current basis, assuring that new and retired members are listed accurately;
- Maintain current membership roster (member information and terms);
- Perform other duties as may be deemed necessary and assigned by the Chair.
- The Chair shall:
- The Ex-officio members of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall be:
- Academic Senate Chair or designee
- The principal duty of the Academic Senate Chair is to advise the Staff Council on academic and faculty related matters.
- Campus Auxiliary designee
- The principal duty of the Campus Auxiliary Designee is to advise the Staff Council on campus auxiliary related matters.
- Student Government President or student Designee
- The principal duty of the Student Government President is to advise the Staff Council on student and student employee related matters.
- The Past Chair
- The principal duty of the past chair is to advise the incoming Chair and new Staff Council members.
- The Campus President
- The principal duty of the campus President is to advise the Chair.
- Academic Senate Chair or designee
Article III: Committees
- Standing committees shall be chaired by a Staff Council member elected by the Staff Council during annual elections. Chairs shall serve one year terms, but may serve consecutive terms if elected by the Staff Council. The remaining committee positions may be filled by Staff Council members and/or any interested staff.
- All Staff Council members are required to serve on at least one (1) committee at all times.
- Ad hoc committees may be established as deemed necessary by the Executive Board to implement the work of the council. Ad hoc committees shall be chaired by a Staff Council member. Ad hoc committees will be dissolved at the completion of their assignment, activity, or at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- It shall be the duty of each committee to receive and analyze matters referred to it; make reports and recommendations to the Officers; and submit a final written report to º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council no more than 30 days after the conclusion of the fiscal year or ad hoc committee activity.
Standing Committees Shall consist of:
- Ways and Means
- The purpose of this committee is to raise funds for the functions of the Staff Council. Complete any other task deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
- Events and Recognition
- The purpose of this committee is to conduct activities and programs the aim to boost the morale of campus staff members. Coordinate staff awards and recognition of staff achievements. Complete any other task deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
- Governance
- The purpose of this committee is to publicize, supervise, tally ballots, and announce the selection of members and officers to the Executive Board. Rule on any selection, constitutional, or bylaws disputes. Conduct initial review and make recommendations regarding all proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. Create, update, and maintain policies and procedures for the operation of the Staff Council. Complete any other task deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
- Communications
- The purpose of this committee is to assist with spreading the word and work of Staff Council by organizing and writing content for In the Loop newsletter.
Article IV: Elections
General Elections
- Nominations for election to membership in º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall be by petition which contains the signature of the candidate certifying a willingness to serve. Voting shall be by secret ballot. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes in each area shall be declared elected. If there is a tie vote, a run-off election shall be held within ten days of the general election. If only one candidate nomination is received for a specific area then no ballot election will be necessary.
- A Staff Council member may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of Staff Council members after a hearing by Staff Council. The initiative for recall vote shall be by signed petition of not less than one-third of the Staff Council members.
- A vacancy in an unexpired term on º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council will be filled by appointment of the Chair with the approval of the Executive Board.
- Elections will be held every three years for divisions that have nominated more than their allotted number of representatives.
Officer and Committee Chair Elections
- Nominations for Officer and Committee Chair positions in º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall be by petition which contains the signature of the candidate certifying a willingness to serve.
- Elections will be held every three years on the year following the general elections.
- The distribution and counting of ballots shall be the responsibility of at least three members of the Governance Committee.
- Any disputes shall be ruled on by the Governance Committee. Appeals of its decision shall be made in writing, signed by simple majority of the staff council and submitted to the Staff Council Chair for review. Final appeal shall be reviewed by the campus president or designee.
- An officer or committee chair may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of Staff Council members. The initiative for recall vote shall be by signed petition of not less than one-third of the Staff Council members.
- A vacancy in an unexpired officer or committee chair term on º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands the Executive Board will be filled by appointment of the Chair with the approval of the Executive Board.
Article V: Meetings
- Regular and special meetings of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council and the Executive
Board shall be held as defined in the Bylaws.
- The General Meeting of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall be held once each month.
- The Executive Board shall meet once each month unless otherwise arranged.
- A special meeting of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council may be called by the Chair or any three members of the Executive Board.
- Parliamentary Authority shall be Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.
- Quorum
- A simple majority of total members at any meeting of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall constitute a quorum authorized to transact any business duly presented.
- A simple majority of board members at any meeting of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum authorized to transact any business duly presented.
- A majority on any and all committees shall constitute a quorum.
Article VI: Policies and Resolutions
- The º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council shall be empowered to draft resolutions reflecting the will and voice of the Council and to initiate university policies addressing areas of concern to staff not within the scope of representation as defined within the .
- The Staff Council shall maintain a governing document which establishes procedures and protocols for development and passage of policies and resolutions. The governing document shall initially be ratified by two-thirds vote. Subsequent changes to the governing document may be implemented via simple majority vote of either Staff Council or the Executive Board, at the discretion of the Chair and Vice Chair. The governing document shall be referenced below this section upon ratification, noting the date(s) of passage and amendment.
Article VII: Amendments
- Amendments to the º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council Constitution and Bylaws shall be made only at regular meetings of º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council.
- Any member of the º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands Staff Council may move to make amendments to the constitution and/or bylaws.
- Any amendments to the constitution or bylaws must be ratified by a two-thirds vote.
- It is the responsibility of the Custodian of Records to maintain record of dates and details of any amendments and to ensure the council and constituents are informed of the changes.
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