
Events & Staff Recognition Programs

Planning and implementation of official CI Staff Council events and staff recognition programs are overseen by the Staff Council Outreach & Development subcommittee. Feel free to direct any questions about upcoming or planned events to the subcommittee chair.

Outreach & Development Subcommittee

Chair: Alex Calderon
Member: Carolina Martinez
Member: Hayley Van Arsdell
Member: Max Seligman
Member: Yasmine Wyatt
Exec Board Liaison: Treasurer - Colleen Haws


Staff Council encourages all campus community members to attend and participate in Staff Council meetings and other events. If you have questions about the accessibility of any Staff Council event or anticipate needing any additional accommodation beyond what is already provided, please contact the Events & Recognition subcommittee chair or Staff Council Exec as soon as possible.

Ventura Corporate Games

º£½ÇÉçÇøCI in Ventura Corporate Games

Staff Recognition

President's Staff Award for Excellence

The President’s Staff Award for Excellence (PSAFE) was created in 2017 to recognize the outstanding contributions of staff members to the Channel Islands campus community. The award is given at the President’s Convocation at the beginning of the Academic Year and recognizes excellence in job performance, working relationships, demonstration of university values, and initiative.

PSAFE Recognition Procedure & Previous Awardees

Staff Recognition Policy & Procedure
Recent Awardees
Historical Awardees

Staff Spotlight

We feature staff, staff areas, and staff projects in the Staff Spotlight section of In The Loop, the official Staff Council newsletter, and on the . Click the button below to nominate a colleague and see them featured in our next issue of In The Loop!

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Email us at: CI.StaffCouncil@csuci.edu

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