
Human Resource Team poses with Echo

Human Resources Team received a Collaboration & Teamwork Award - Spring 2022

Recognition program logo with blocks containing the words teamwork, diversity, integrity, respect, excellence, and collaboration.

Begin the Nomination Process

  1. Review the definition of the awards and their criteria. Award Criteria
  2. Determine who the nominee will be.
  3. Scroll to the appropriate award below.
  4. Select the applicable button.
  5. Complete the nomination form and submit.

Next Steps in the Award Process

  1. All nominations are evaluated by the Recognition Committee.
  2. The Committee recommendations for awardees are submitted to the DBFA Vice President and AVPs for final approval.
  3. Award recipients are announced at the semi-annual DBFA Division meeting.


Nomination Period:  April 23, 2024 through May 15, 2024

DBFA Division Meeting:   May 22, 2024

The Excellence Award

Eligibility: All Business & Financial Affairs Division (including UAS) employees, excluding AVPs and above, who meet some or all of the criteria noted here Award Criteria are eligible for the Excellence Award.

The Efficiency Award

Eligibility: All Business & Financial Affairs Division (including UAS) employees, excluding AVPs and above, who meet some or all of the criteria noted here Award Criteria are eligible for the Efficiency Award.

The Collaboration & Teamwork Award

Eligibility: An individual, team or department within or outside of DBFA, excluding AVPs and above, who meet some or all of the criteria noted here Award Criteria are eligible for the Collaboration & Teamwork Award.

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