
The California State University

The individual California State Colleges were brought together as a system by the Donahoe Higher Education Act of 1960. In 1972 the system became the California State University and Colleges, and in 1982 the system became the California State University. Today the campuses of the 海角社区 include comprehensive and polytechnic universities and, since July 1995, the California Maritime Academy, a specialized campus.

The oldest campus鈥揝an Jos茅 State University鈥搘as founded in 1857 and became the first institution of public higher education in California. The newest--海角社区 Channel Islands--opened in fall 2002, with freshmen arriving in fall 2003.

Responsibility for the California State University is vested in the Board of Trustees, whose members are appointed by the Governor. The Trustees appoint the Chancellor, who is the chief executive officer of the system, and the Presidents, who are the chief executive officers of the respective campuses.

The Trustees, the Chancellor, and the Presidents develop systemwide policy, with implementation at the campus level taking place through broadly based consultative procedures. The Academic Senate of the California State University, made up of elected representatives of the faculty from each campus, recommends academic policy to the Board of Trustees through the Chancellor.

Academic excellence has been achieved by the California State University through a distinguished faculty whose primary responsibility is superior teaching. While each campus in the system has its own unique geographic and curricular character, all campuses, as multipurpose institutions, offer undergraduate and graduate instruction for professional and occupational goals as well as broad liberal education. All the campuses require for graduation a basic program of 鈥淕eneral Education Requirements鈥 regardless of the type of bachelor's degree or major field selected by the student.

The 海角社区 offers more than 1,800 bachelor's and master's degree programs in some 240 subject areas. Many of these programs are offered so that students can complete all upper division and graduate requirements by part-time, late afternoon, and evening study. In addition, a variety of teaching and school service credential programs are available. A limited number of doctoral degrees are offered jointly with the University of California and with private institutions in California.

Enrollments in fall 2005 totaled 405,000 students, who were taught by some 22,000 faculty. The system awards about half of the bachelor's degrees and a third of the master's degrees granted in California. Nearly 2 million persons have been graduated from 海角社区 campuses since 1960.

Trustees of the California State University [top]

Ex Officio Trustees
The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger
Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento 95814

The Honorable Cruz Bustamante
Lieutenant Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento 95814

The Honorable Fabian N锟斤拷ez
Speaker of the Assembly
State Capitol
Sacramento 95814

The Honorable Jack O'Connell
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
721 Capitol Mall
Sacramento 95814

Dr. Charles B. Reed
Chancellor of The California State University
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach 90802-4210

Officers of the Trustees

The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger, President
Murray Galinson, Chair
Roberta Achtenberg, Vice Chair
Richard P. West, Treasurer
Christine Helwick, Secretary

Appointed Trustees [top]

Appointments are for a term of eight years, except student, alumni, and faculty trustees whose terms are for two years. Terms expire in the year in parentheses. Names are listed alphabetically.

Roberta Achtenberg (2007)
Jeffrey Bleich (2010)
Herbert L. Carter (2011)
Carol Chandler (2012)
Moctesuma Esparza (2008)
Debra S. Farar (2006)
Robert Foster (2006)
Murray L. Galinson (2007)
George Gowgani (2010)
William Hauck (2009)
Raymond W. Holdsworth Jr. (2011)
Ricardo F. Icaza (2008)
Corey A. Jackson (2006)
Bob Linscheid (2007)
Melina Guzman Moore (2012)
Craig Smith (2007)
Kyriakos Tsakopoulos (2009)

Correspondence with Trustees should be sent:
c/o Trustees Secretariat
The California State University
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California 90802-4210

海角社区 - A World of Information Is Just听A Click Away [top]

Check out the admission website for the entire California State University: www.calstate.edu/apply. You will find helpful hints, frequently asked questions, campus tours, and general information about all 23 campuses.

S - Semester system
Q - Quarter system
Note: Phone numbers are to the campus admission offices.

  1. California  map designating 23 campus locationsCalifornia State University, Bakersfield 鈥 Q
    9001 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099
    Dr. Horace Mitchell, President
    (661) 664-2011 鈥
  2. 海角社区 鈥 S
    One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012
    Dr. Richard Rush, President
    805-437-8400 鈥 www.csuci.edu
  3. California State University, Chico 鈥 S
    400 West First Street, Chico, CA 95929-0150
    Dr. Paul J. Zingg, President
    (530) 898-4636 鈥
  4. California State University, Dominguez Hills 鈥 S
    1000 East Victoria Street, Carson, CA 90747-0005
    Dr. James E. Lyons Sr., President
    (310) 243-3300 鈥
  5. California State University, East Bay 鈥 Q
    25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94542
    Dr. Norma Rees, President
    (510) 885-3000 鈥
  6. California State University, Fresno 鈥 S
    5241 North Maple Avenue, Fresno, CA 93740
    Dr. John D. Welty, President
    (559) 278-4240 鈥
  7. California State University, Fullerton 鈥 S
    800 N. State College Boulevard, Fullerton, CA 92834-9480
    Dr. Milton A. Gordon, President
    (714) 278-2011 鈥
  8. Humboldt State University 鈥 S
    One Harpst Street, Arcata, CA 95521-8299
    Dr. Rollin C. Richmond, President
    (707) 826-3011 鈥
  9. California State University, Long Beach 鈥 S
    1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90840-0115
    Dr. F. King Alexander, President
    (562) 985-4111 鈥
  10. California State University, Los Angeles 鈥 Q
    5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032
    Dr. James M. Rosser, President
    (323) 343-3000 鈥
  11. California Maritime Academy 鈥 S
    200 Maritime Academy Drive, Vallejo, CA 94590
    Dr. William B. Eisenhardt, President
    (707) 654-1000 鈥
  12. California State University Monterey Bay 鈥 S
    100 Campus Center, Seaside, CA 93955-8001
    Dr. Diane F. Harrison, President
    (831) 582-3330 鈥
  13. California State University, Northridge 鈥 S
    18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330
    Dr. Jolene Koester, President
    (818) 677-1200 鈥
  14. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 鈥 Q
    3801 W. Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768
    Dr. J. Michael Ortiz, President
    (909) 869-7659 鈥
  15. California State University, Sacramento 鈥 S
    6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819
    Dr. Alexander Gonzalez, President
    (916) 278-6011 鈥
  16. California State University, San Bernardino 鈥 Q
    5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397
    Dr. Albert K. Karnig, President
    (909) 880-5000 鈥
  17. San Diego State University 鈥 S
    5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182
    Dr. Stephen L. Weber, President
    (619) 594-5000 鈥
  18. San Francisco State University 鈥 S
    1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132
    Dr. Robert A. Corrigan, President
    (415) 338-1111 鈥
  19. San Jos鈥 State University 鈥 S
    One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0001
    Mr. Don Kassing, Interim President
    (408) 924-1000 鈥
  20. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 鈥 Q
    One Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
    Dr. Warren J. Baker, President
    805-756-1111 鈥
  21. California State University, San Marcos 鈥 S
    333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos, CA 92096-0001
    Dr. Karen S. Haynes, President
    (760) 750-4000 鈥
  22. Sonoma State University 鈥 S
    1801 East Cotati Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609
    Dr. Ruben Armi鈥揳na, President
    (707) 664-2880 鈥
  23. California State University, Stanislaus 鈥 4-1-4
    801 West Monte Vista Avenue, Turlock, CA 95382-0299
    Dr. Hamid Shirvani, President
    (209) 667-3122 鈥

Seal of the California State University

Chancellor's office [top]

The California State University
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California 90802-4210
(562) 951-4000

Dr. Charles B. Reed, Chancellor 鈥 海角社区 System
Dr. Gary Reichard, Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
Mr. Richard P. West, Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Jackie McClain Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Ms. Christine Helwick, General Counsel
Dr. Keith Boyum, Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs

The California State University International Programs [top]

Developing intercultural communication skills and international understanding among its students is a vital mission of The California State University (海角社区). Since its inception in 1963, the 海角社区 International Programs has contributed to this effort by providing qualified students an affordable opportunity to continue their studies abroad for a full academic year. More than 15,000 海角社区 students have taken advantage of this unique study option.

International Programs participants earn resident academic credit at their 海角社区 campuses while they pursue full-time study at a host university or special study center abroad. The International Programs serves the needs of students in over 100 designated academic majors. Affiliated with more than 70 recognized universities and institutions of higher education in 18 countries, the International Programs also offers a wide selection of study locales and learning environments.

CountryParticipating Institutions


Griffith University
Macquarie University
Queensland University of Technology
University of Queensland
University of Western Sydney
Victoria University


The universities of the Province of Quebec including:

Bishop's University
Concordia University
McGill University
Universit鈥 Laval
Universit鈥 de Montr鈥揳l
Universit鈥 du Quebec system


Pontificia Universidad Cat鈥搇ica de Chile (Santiago)


Peking University ( Beijing)


Denmark's International Study Program (the international education affiliate of the University of Copenhagen)


Institut des Etudes Fran鈥揳ises pour 鈥搕udiants 鈥搕rangers, L'Acad鈥搈ie d'Aix-Marseille ( Aix-en Provence), Universit鈥搒 de Paris III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, and Universit鈥 Evry.


Universit鈥搕 T鈥揵ingen and a number of institutions of higher education in the Federal state of Baden-W鈥搑ttemberg


Tel Aviv University
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
University of Haifa


海角社区 Study Center ( Florence)
Universit鈥 degli Studi di Firenze
La Accademia di Belle Arti Firenze


Waseda University ( Tokyo)


Yonsei University ( Seoul)


Instituto Tecnol鈥揼ico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Quer鈥搕aro

New Zealand

Lincoln University (Christchurch)
Massey University (Palmerston North)


Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad de Granada


Uppsala Universitet


National Taiwan University (Taipei)
National Tsing Hua University

United Kingdom

Bradford University
Bristol University
Hull University
Kingston University
Sheffield University
University of Wales Swansea


University of Zimbabwe ( Harare)

International Programs pays all tuition and administrative costs for participating California resident students to the same extent that such funds would be expended to support similar costs in California. Participants are responsible for all personal costs, such as transportation, room and board, living expenses, and home campus fees. Financial aid, with the exception of Federal Work-Study, is available to qualified students.

To qualify for admission to the International Programs, students must have upper division or graduate standing at a 海角社区 campus by the time of departure. Students at the sophomore level may, however, participate in the intensive language acquisition programs in France, Germany, and Mexico. California Community Colleges transfer students are eligible to apply directly from their community colleges. Students must also possess a current cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or 3.0, depending on the program for which they apply. Some programs also have language study and/or other coursework prerequisites.

Additional information and application materials may be obtained on campus, or by writing to The California State University International Programs, 401 Golden Shore, Sixth Floor, Long Beach, California 90802-4210. Visit us on the World Wide Web at www.gateway.calstate.edu/csuienet/.

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