
Division of Academic Affairs

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Bell Tower Building
West Wing, 2nd floor, Room 2188

The Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs is charged with the overall administration of all academic units in the context of the University as a whole. The Provost provides direction regarding accreditation, faculty selection, evaluation, and performance; is responsible for analysis of the division's academic programs, policies, and procedures; and directs studies on major operational concerns. The Provost consults with the Academic Senate and University committees in order to maintain institutional focus on the campus mission and to enhance student learning. Among the academic offices reporting to the Provost are the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of the University Library, the Dean of Extended Education, Faculty Affairs, Research and Sponsored Programs, Institutional Assessment, Academic Resources, Academic Programs and Planning, and Institutional Research.

Dean of the Faculty

Bell Tower Building
West Wing, 1st floor, Room 1164

The Dean of the Faculty office provides academic direction and support for the University faculty, meeting regularly with the program chairs and faculty to discuss program implementation and planning, student enrollment, and academic support.

Working within Academic Affairs, the office helps identify priorities in instruction and planning for undergraduate and graduate programs. The Dean of Faculty is responsible for implementing student academic policies, including academic eligibility, appeals, matriculation and graduation, and provides direction in developing the fall and spring schedules of classes.

The Dean of the Faculty provides overall management of the instructional budget, including purchases, acquisitions, and travel, and is responsible for classroom and lab scheduling and utilization. Along with the Associate Dean, the Dean of the Faculty directs the operations of the Advising Center, the Credential Office, and the University Writing and Math Centers.

Program Areas

Location: Bell Tower Building - West Wing, Room 1131

Biology and Physics
Location: Aliso Hall, Room 104

Business and Economics
Location: Sage Hall, Room 238

Computer Science
Location: Bell Tower Building - West Wing, Room 1131

Location: Bell Tower Building - West Wing, Room 2199

English: Literature and Writing
Location: Bell Tower Building - West Wing, Room 1199

Location: Sage Hall, Room 212

Liberal Studies
Location: Bell Tower Building - West Wing, Room 1199

Location: Bell Tower Building - West Wing, Room 1131

Multiple Programs
Location: Bell Tower Building - Room 1521

Location: Sage Hall, Room 212

Academic Programs and Planning

Sage Hall, Room 250
805 437-8540

The Academic Programs and Planning office has responsibility for developing and updating the campus academic master plan and facilitating proposals for new degrees and programs. The office coordinates academic planning with enrollment management, assessment, and physical space planning, and coordinates relations with the Chancellor's Office on academic plans and program reviews.

With respect to academic programs, the office assists Academic Senate committees in their work on course and program development and modification. It oversees catalog production for the University and assists program chairs in their relations with community colleges and schools. It oversees the lower division transfer project (LDTP) and 海角社区 efforts to facilitate student degree completion. It directs the 海角社区 Pre-doctoral Program on campus.

The Academic Programs and Planning office administers Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) funding and cocurricular support for programs. It oversees Academic Affairs events and student recognition, and directs the scheduling of special events.

Advising Center [top]

Bell Tower Building, 1st floor

At 海角社区 Channel Islands, the role of advising is shared with faculty advisors and professional advisors. Academic advising is a continuous process that supports students throughout their academic journey at the University. Students are ultimately responsible for their education planning and meeting all graduation requirements. Students need to be familiar with the University catalog policies and major and degree policies. To ensure academic success and to remain on course, students are encouraged to maintain regular contact with academic advisors.

Advisors in the Advising Center provide guidance with general education and graduation requirements, monitoring of the student's degree progress, undeclared major advising, clarification of academic probation policies, and other institutional policies and procedures. In addition to taking advantage of the center's professional advisors, students can develop a mentoring relationship with a faculty advisor upon declaration of a major. Faculty advisors assist students with clarification of major requirements and assist students with internship and career opportunities.

Students may call or stop by the Advising Center check-in counter to schedule an appointment with one of our professional academic advisors. Major faculty advisors are available on a walk-in basis or by appointment. For availability and office locations of program advisors, please contact the Advising Center. Advisors are busiest during registration periods and the first few weeks of the semester. Therefore, students are encouraged to schedule advising sessions during non-peak times. The Advising Center hours are: Monday 鈥 Thursday, 8:30 a.m. 鈥 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. 鈥 5 p.m.


Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies

The mission of the Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies is to serve as an organized source of information and support for integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to the creation, discovery, transmission and application of knowledge.

The goals of the Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies are to:

  • create the infrastructure for integrative and interdisciplinary teaching and learning;
  • design and implement programs and curricula that promote integrative and interdisciplinary understanding for students in all fields of study;
  • assist faculty in developing the integrative and interdisciplinary dimensions of their teaching, scholarship, and service activities;
  • facilitate and develop academic and scholarly exchanges and partnerships for students and faculty; and
  • coordinate all activities that enhance campus awareness of interdisciplinary and integrative studies and their importance to the life of the campus and local community.

Center for International Affairs

The mission of the Center for International Affairs is to internationalize the 海角社区CI educational experience.

The Center for International Affairs supports efforts to internationalize the curriculum, affords students the opportunity to study abroad, supports international faculty collaboration, and fosters links with higher education institutions around the world.

The objectives of the Center are to:

  • design and implement policies and programs that promote cross-cultural and global understanding in all fields of study;
  • assist faculty in developing the international dimension of their teaching, scholarship, and service activities;
  • facilitate and develop academic and scholarly international exchanges and partnerships for students and faculty
  • diversify the student body to include outstanding students who represent a broad range of geographic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds; and
  • coordinate all activities that enhance campus global awareness and augment the international life of the campus and local community.

Center for Multicultural Learning and Engagement

The mission of the Center for Multicultural Learning and Engagement (CMLE) is to create and sustain a campus climate in and out of the classroom that values and promotes all forms of diversity. It challenges students, staff, and faculty to commit to diversity as a source of renewal and vitality that empowers them to change the culture and the world through civic action.

The Center for Multicultural Learning and Engagement promotes working to end all forms of oppression and toward a just society so that all people can exist with equality and respect.

The objectives of the Center for Multicultural Learning and Engagement are to:

  • promote and support efforts to incorporate multicultural perspectives across the curriculum;
  • act as a resource for multicultural scholarship and pedagogy for faculty, students and staff/administrators;
  • articulate the nature of multiculturalism;
  • document its importance for 海角社区CI;
  • maintain a communication network for the exchange of scholarly and pedagogical information on multicultural study among faculty and administrators in undergraduate and graduate education;
  • enhance research and teaching in multicultural studies by promoting the development of multicultural theory, methodology, and curricular design;
  • provide facilities and support for multicultural courses;
  • encourage students and faculty to engage in multicultural study including those that focus on how diverse communities build sustaining cultures that model alternatives to prejudice and how individuals create and maintain authority and integrity in atmospheres of discrimination;
  • become a broad-based professional home for reflective multiculturalists; and
  • support, promote, and maintain the Multicultural, Women's and Gender Student Center (MWGSC) and thereby support students' efforts to promote justice on our campus, in society at large, and in their personal lives.

Hank Lacayo Community and Labor Studies Institute

The Community and Labor Studies Institute serves as a resource to students and campus community and those interested in the study of community and labor issues. Through interdisciplinary learning and research, the institute seeks solutions to community and workforce problems, emphasizing the Central Coast region and its relationship with the global economy. By affording students service learning opportunities, the institute serves as a resource to government and public agencies, community-based organizations and labor unions in the region along with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including business and labor and non-profit organizations as well as, faculty and staff of 海角社区

The Center integrates student interdisciplinary skills and service learning with applied studies and research and with the community, labor and the non-profit sector. The Center:

  • Serves as clearinghouse for information
  • Offers consultation and training
  • Conducts public policy, collaborative and applied research studies
  • Convenes the public on issues of interest to communities

Credential Office [top]

Bell Tower Building, Room 1595

The Credential Office is responsible for facilitating admission to all credential programs. Our staff serves as a campus resource to provide advice, assistance, and current information to students, members of the faculty, and other interested parties on matters regarding the State and the campus credential requirements. Credential staff members serve as a liaison between the campus and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, by recommending the issuance of teaching credentials. Advising services are available with the goal of supporting individuals interested or engaged in the teaching profession. Information meetings are conducted to provide admissions assistance and an overview of the teaching field. Resource materials, including admissions and credential materials, test bulletins, and test preparation referrals are provided.

Extended Education

Sage Hall, Room 227

The Extended Education office is designed to respond to important needs in the community for continuing access to higher education, and to provide overall support of the University's commitment to lifelong learning. It assists individuals seeking to enhance their lives through personal and cultural enrichment. Extended Education serves professionals throughout their career life cycles with job skills training, career upgrades, professional certifications, and accelerated courses of study. It offers special session degree programs, credit and non-credit courses, and certificate programs. Additionally, the office custom designs courses for various groups and businesses in Ventura County. It utilizes a mix of evening and weekend schedules, distance-learning technologies, and variable formats.

OSHER (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) was created in 2004 to offer University-quality courses to seniors over 50 years of age seeking intellectual stimulation and enhancement. Courses do not carry college credit, and thus do not entail tests or grading. Ten courses are offered during each of the eight-week fall, winter, and spring semesters. Courses meet on weekday mornings or afternoons on the 海角社区CI campus. For a nominal fee, seniors may join the Institute for a single semester, or for the entire year. Membership entitles seniors to unlimited course enrollment, attendance at the regular noontime speaker series, participation in travel programs, and library privileges. Members participate in suggesting courses and speakers.

Courses are taught by 海角社区CI faculty, retired College and University faculty, and persons with special expertise. Each semester a balanced and varied program of courses is offered in the arts, music, social and natural sciences, English and literature, and history.

Enrollment for the fall semester (September/October) takes place in July and August. Enrollment for winter (January/February) and spring (April/May) takes place in November and December (winter) and March (spring). To enroll, call 805-437-2748, email osher.institute@csuci.edu, or view current course descriptions at .

Open University

Open University provides an opportunity for those people who are not currently admitted to 海角社区
Channel Islands to enroll in courses offered by the regular University.

  • Begin Working Towards a Degree: Have you missed the deadline for admission? Do you want to improve your grade point average to better qualify for admittance?
  • Sample a Field or Possible Career: Are you thinking of a career change? Do you want to examine a new field before enrolling in a degree program?
  • Professional and Personal Enrichment: Do you want to update your professional training in specific fields? Interested in learning more about a particular subject for your own personal growth? 海角社区 Channel Islands' Open University program allows enrollment in regular University credit classes on a 鈥渟pace available鈥 basis, subject to the approval of the instructor and Academic Affairs. Check the 海角社区 Channel Islands Schedule of Classes for class meeting times and location. The registration process is easy. Admission to the University is not required, and the same fees apply to everyone.

Students may apply up to 24 units taken through Open University toward a baccalaureate degree. Grades received through this program will be factored into your grade point average at 海角社区 Channel Islands. Units earned through Open University may not be applied toward the 30 unit residency requirement.


We cannot guarantee a space nor assure that you will be permitted to enroll in any class. Instructors are not required to accept Open University students even if space is available.

Open University is NOT Available to:

  • Matriculated students (those admitted for the current semester)
  • Non-matriculated international students with a score of less than 450 on the TOEFL examination or its equivalent
  • International students on F-1 or J-1 visas without proper authorization.

Four Easy Registration Steps听(for Open University Only)

  1. Check the 海角社区 Channel Islands Schedule of Classes for the days and times of the courses you need.
  2. You must use an Open University registration form to enroll in courses through this program (available by calling 805-437-2748).
  3. Attend the first class meeting and get instructor and Academic Affairs signatures. Registration is done on a 鈥渟pace available basis.鈥 Note: some departments may have additional requirements for certain classes. Attend the first class to obtain the instructor's signature. Instructors are not permitted to sign forms before the first day of class when they can determine space availability. Forms will not be accepted by Extended Education before thefirst day of class.
  4. Return the completed form to Extended Education by the end of the second week of classes

Open University Registration Deadlines

Regular Registration: 1st two weeks of session
Late Registration Dates (late fee applies): 3rd week
Drop (with 65% refund, instructor signature required): End of 2nd week
Late Withdrawal (no refund) - Instructor Signature
Required: end of 3rd week

To confirm the schedule and to receive an enrollment form, call 805-437-2748.

Faculty Affairs and Academic Resources

Bell Tower Building
West Wing, 2nd Floor

The Faculty Affairs advises on faculty personnel and human resources matters, including faculty appointments, collective bargaining administration, faculty recruitment, selection, and retention processes. Faculty Affairs works with the Academic Resources office in the purchase of equipment and supplies,space utilization, and facilities. The office also promotes facultydevelopment and provides assistance on funded projects, instructional and curriculum design, Web-based instructional efforts, and orientation of incoming faculty.

Institutional Research

Sage Hall, 2nd floor

Institutional Research (IR) is responsible for official university reporting to the 海角社区 Chancellor's Office and other external entities. IR supports university decision-making by collecting, compiling, and analyzing institutional data. IR supports the WASC accreditation process, as well as the University's efforts in assessment, accountability, and institutional effectiveness. Reports are posted to the IR website.

Research and Sponsored Programs office

Lindero Hall

The Research and Sponsored Programs office(RSPO) is responsible for the preparation and submission of University grants and contracts and supports the Institutional Review Board (IRB). ORSP offers grant seeking, grant writing, IRB basics and principal investigator certification trainings every semester. The office oversees a number of special projects such as the Child Abuse Training and Technical Assistance Center, Technology Enhanced Learning for great Careers and Higher achievement (T.E.C.H.) project, and the Service Learning and Civic Engagement office that promotes civic engagement and service-learning initiatives on campus and in the community.

University Library


The University Library provides an atmosphere and space conducive to study and inquiry for both individuals and small groups. Use of the adjacent courtyard has expanded both individual and group study areas and has provided students with the largest library outdoor study facility in the 海角社区. Students have access to a knowledgeable and service-oriented staff and a newly developed print collection of 75,000 volumes, along with numerous databases, electronic journals, and digital images available 24/7. With all these resources, the Library enhances student learning through one-on-one assistance with research, the offering of an active instructional program, providing a space to display student art and outstanding projects, and providing meaningful and thought provoking exhibits.

The University Library has been designated a Digital Teaching Library incorporating up-to-date technologies and instructional support. There is wireless Internet connection throughout the Library and a complete instructional space with 21 wireless computers. The Media Distribution unit checks out digital cameras, digital video cameras, and Macintosh laptops for editing. The Library's staff provides one-on-one instruction and support for student use of multimedia applications such as web authoring, digital photography, and digital video editing.

The Robert J. Lagomarsino Collection

Located in the department of archives and special collections in the University Library, the Lagomarsino collection contains papers, photographs, furniture, and memorabilia relating to Mr. Lagomarsino's years of political service as a California Senate member from 1961-1974 and as a United States Congressman from 1974-1992.

University Math and Writing Center

At the Math Tutoring Lab and the University Writing and Multiliteracy Center, the process is collaborative. Tutors work with students to encourage effective, independent learning and to further knowledge and understanding during their education at 海角社区 Channel Islands.

Math Tutoring Lab

Bell Tower Building, Room 1512

Math tutors are available to accommodate students' needs, such as completing homework, studying for a test, or understanding a concept. Tutors are able to consult in virtually every math course offered on this campus and tutor specialties are posted in front of the lab.

University Writing and Multiliteracy Center

Bell Tower Building, Room 1512

Trained student consultants are available to assist students with composing a first draft, organizing their ideas, and polishing their completed work. Students who would like to review the fundamentals of grammar, syntax, and word usage are invited to work with consultants on an individual basis or in small group sessions with the center's coordinator. The center is also available to assist students with organizing their studies, taking notes, and using research materials.

Faculty Biographies [top]

Faculty Biographies may be found in the .

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