

Placing students at the center of their educational experience, the Division of Student Affairs supports and enhances learning and the University community through quality activities, facilities, programs, and services.

Vice President for Student Affairs


Bell Tower Building,
2nd Floor, Room 2560
Fax: 805-437-8549

The mission of the Vice President's office is to recommend policies and procedures that will ensure a coordinated delivery and assessment system of student services through all departments within the Division of Student Affairs (DSA). This includes tracking and reporting expenditures, implementing selected special events or projects, and producing and distributing internal and external student communication to pertinent constituencies throughout the University and surrounding communities. The Vice President office also coordinates all personnel, budget, training, development, special projects, and student communication for the Division of Student Affairs.

Enrollment Services [top]


Enrollment Center, Room 144
Sage Hall, 1st Floor
Fax: 805-437-8509

Enrollment Services can answer your questions about admissions, records, registration, recruitment and financial aid.

Admissions and Recruitment [top]



Enrollment Center, Room 144
Sage Hall, 1st Floor
Fax: 805-437-8509

The Admissions office accepts and processes admission applications for both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate programs. Eligibility for admission to º£½ÇÉçÇøCI is governed by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations and is addressed previously in this catalog.



Recruitment Center, Room 158
Sage Hall, 1st Floor
805-437-8520/ 805-437-CSCI (2724)
Fax: 805-437-8519
Email: admissions@csuci.edu

The Recruitment office develops and maintains positive relationships to recruit, enroll, and retain a qualified and diversified undergraduate and graduate student body through college fairs, and provide visits and presentations to local high schools, community colleges, and community organizations. Admission counselors are available to assist prospective students in understanding the requirements necessary to obtain admission to º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands. We offer the following services:

  • Pre-admissions counseling appointments for students who have yet to apply to the University. These are individual meetings at which one of our admission counselors will guide prospective students through general education questions and specific major requirements.
  • Campus tours are offered Monday through Friday at 11 am and 2 pm. Weekend tours are available at noon on the first Saturday of every month, excluding holiday weekends. A visit to our campus provides an opportunity for prospective students to view the campus and familiarize themselves with the various resources the University has to offer. Each tour is led by a Cal State Channel Islands student.
  • A group campus visit is designed to provide high school and college students the opportunity to tour the campus and view a presentation given by an admission counselor. Group campus visits are available by appointment to a maximum of 60 students.

If you would like additional information regarding any of these services or would like to speak to an admission counselor, please contact the University at 805-437-CSCI (2724) or via email at admissions@csuci.edu.

Registrar’s Office [top]


Enrollment Center, Room 144
Sage Hall, 1st Floor,
Fax: 805-437-8509

The Registrar’s Office maintains timely and accurate records on enrollment, and the academic progress and accomplishments of its students, while maintaining the privacy and security of those records.


Registration activities for new and continuing students, including eligibility for registration and assignment of registration appointments, is managed by the Registrar’s Office. Students enroll on the web through myº£½ÇÉçÇøCI.


Verification of degree completion requirements is a function of the Registrar’s Office. Students must file for graduation for the term in which they will have completed all requirements. Application for graduation must be made by the published deadline.

Veterans Affairs

Students who are eligible for benefits as a veteran, dependent, or reservist should contact our V.A. Specialist in the Enrollment Center. Services available include assistance in applying for educational benefits and education certification. Students planning to attend º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands should contact their local Veterans Services office or the regional Veterans Affairs office at www.gibill.va.gov. Once approved by the local or regional V.A. office, students who are registered in classes at º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands must make an appointment to complete their certification paperwork. This paperwork must be completed each semester. For additional information, please contact Enrollment Services.

Financial Aid [top]


Enrollment Center, Room 144
Sage Hall, 1st Floor,
Fax: 805-437-8509
Email: financial.aid@csuci.edu

The mission of the Financial Aid office is to assist students in obtaining financial aid resources to meet their educational costs. Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which can be obtained in the Enrollment Center. The FAFSA can also be completed online at: www.fafsa.ed.gov. A variety of financial aid resources are available to students, including grants, loans, and scholarships. After students have completed and submitted the FAFSA, they may be considered for the following:


Federal or state funds that do not have to be repaid.

  • Federal Pell Grants are awarded to eligible students who have not already earned a bachelor's degree or are working toward a teaching credential.
  • Cal Grants are awarded to California residents who have financial need and meet the California Student Aid Commission scholastic requirements.
  • State University Grants are awarded to California residents who have financial need.


Federally guaranteed student loans with low interest rates.Federal Stafford Loans include the subsidized and unsubsidized loan programs which provide low interest, long-term loans to eligible students through selected lenders. Federal Subsidized Stafford loans are available to students based on financial need. Interest is paid by the federal government (subsidized) while students are enrolled at least half-time and during their six-month grace period after leaving school. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans are available to all students without regard to income. Interest is paid by the student or added to the loan amount that will be repaid later.


The University, in participation with the community, has an endowment that provides scholarships, which are based on academic excellence, financial need and community service (please refer to pages 47-48).

Student Life [top]


Bell Tower Building
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

Our college years are often among the most profound and exhilarating times of our lives. The prospect of experiencing new ideas, making new friends, and exploring new roles can be very exciting. But college life can also include confusion and uncertainty that challenges our personal and social limits. In Student Life, we view these challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development. Our office offers programs and services that are designed not only to help students cope with college life but to prepare for the challenges of the 21st century.

Our mission is to provide learning opportunities that encourage and empower students to become competent, responsible and involved citizens.

Our programs and services include: Career Development Services, Student Health Services, Disability Accommodation Services, Counseling & Psychological Services, Housing and Residential Education, Associated Students, Inc. (Student Government, Student Programming Board, the student newspaper, Channel Islands View, and the Nautical Yearbook), Community Responsibility and Student Conduct, New Student Orientation, University Outreach Program, the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Recreation and Leisure Services, Student Clubs and Organizations, Interfaith Council, Alcohol and Other Drugs Awareness Programs, Entrance Placement Exams, Student Leadership, The Hub, and the Multicultural and Women's & Gender Center.

Career Development Services [top]


Sage Hall, Room 112
Fax: 805-437-8899
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

The mission of Career Development Services is to assist students and other designated clients through all phases of their career development: to provide leadership to the institution on career development concerns; to develop positive relationships with employers and external constituencies; and to support institutional outcomes assessment and relevant research endeavors. Students are strongly encouraged to begin developing their unique Career Profile, as well as to start building their Co-Curricular Transcript during their freshman year. However, students at any stage of career development can receive assistance in taking the next step towards a satisfying and rewarding career. Career exploration, planning, and job preparation resources include:

  • Computer Assisted Career Guidance/Research EUREKA, and Career Cruising
  • One-on-One Career Counseling
  • Co-Curricular Transcript Development
  • Career Resource Library
  • Career Development Workshops (e.g. Resume Writing, Interview Strategies, Dress for Success)
  • Internship Opportunities
  • Resume Development
  • Career Fair
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Student Employment

Student Health Services [top]


Health Center on San Luis Avenue
Fax: 805-437-8829
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

The mission of Student Health Services is to promote good physical and emotional health. Emphasis is placed on the prevention of illness through education. All regularly enrolled students are offered basic health services paid through student fees. These services, available on campus and at community clinics, include the following:

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Illness and Injuries
  • Physical Examinations
  • Family Planning
  • Immunizations (Measles and Rubella)
  • PAP Smears
  • TB Testing
  • HIV Testing
  • STD Screening and Treatment
  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Emergency Care
  • Hepatitis Testing
  • Health Education Program
  • Student Health Advisory Board

Community Medical Clinics

Students are able to access the health care services listed at no cost through one of the seven Ventura County Medical Clinics listed below. Students must present their student identification card to receive service at the following clinics:

Conejo Valley Family Care Center
223 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., #102
Thousand Oaks 805-371-8355

Las Islas Family Medical Group
325 W. Channel Islands Blvd.
Oxnard 805-385-8662

Magnolia Family Medical Center
2240 E. Gonzales Road
Oxnard 805-981-5151

Moorpark Family Care Center
35 West Los Angeles Ave.
Moorpark 805-529-4624

Santa Paula Medical Clinic
1334 East Main Street
Santa Paula 805-933-1122

Sierra Vista Family Care Center
4531 Alamo Street
Simi Valley 805-584-4885

West Ventura Medical Clinic
133 West Santa Clara Street
Ventura 805-641-5600

Student Health Insurance

Information regarding available student health insurance may be obtained from the Student Health Center or the Student Life office.

Immunization Requirements

Entering º£½ÇÉçÇø students are required to present proof of the following immunizations to the º£½ÇÉçÇø campus they will be attending before the beginning of their first term of enrollment:

Measles and Rubella

All new and readmitted students born after January 1, 1957 must provide proof of immunization against measles and rubella prior to enrollment. Submit medical documentation to the Student Health Center to verify both vaccinations were received since age one or obtain the vaccination at no charge through Student Health Center.

Hepatitis B

All new students who will be 18 years of age or younger at the start of their first term at a º£½ÇÉçÇø campus must provide proof of full immunization against Hepatitis B before enrolling. Full immunization against Hepatitis B consists of three timed doses of vaccine over a minimum four to six months period. If you need further details or have special circumstances, please consult the Student Health Center at 805-437-8828 in the Health Center Building located on San Luis Avenue. (Each incoming freshman who will be residing in on-campus housing will be required to return a form indicating that he or she has received information about meningococcal disease and the availability of the vaccine to prevent one from contracting the disease and whether or not he or she has chosen to receive the vaccination.) These are not admission requirements, but shall be required of students as conditions of enrollment in º£½ÇÉçÇø. The form is available at the Student Health Center or through Housing and Residential Education. Submit medical documentation to the Student Health Center to verify vaccination or to obtain the vaccination at an additional charge through the Student Health Center.

Disability Accommodation Services [top]


Bell Tower Building, Rooms 1769-1798
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)
Email: accommodations@csuci.edu

º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands and Disability Accommodation Services (DAS) are dedicated to providing a broad range of quality support services to meet the needs of students with all types of physical, psychological, and learning disabilities. We strive to ensure access to all aspects of University life. Services are available to any student who finds his or her disability to be a barrier to achieving educational goals. However, only those students who identify themselves to the University and present appropriate written documentation of a disability are eligible for accommodation. Students with disabilities should contact the DAS as soon as possible, even if they are not yet enrolled.

To be eligible to receive services, students must meet with the DAS coordinator for intake and disability verification. Types of acceptable disability verification documentation can be found by looking online at the DAS website, contacting Disability Accommodation Services, or within the Student Life section of the º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Student Guidebook available in print and online through the º£½ÇÉçÇøCI Web site.

Students with disabilities who require special accommodation on the part of the University are advised to submit documentation to the DAS Coordinator prior to the beginning of the semester so that arrangements can be made to meet individual needs. Students are further required to return to DAS at the beginning of each new semester so that appropriate accommodations may be continued or new accommodations may be arranged. Services provided are based on disability verification and consultation with the student. Services may include (but are not limited to):

  • Liaison to campus programs and departments
  • Disability management counseling
  • Computer lab with assistive software
  • Test proctoring in quiet rooms with extended time
  • Scribes for examinations
  • Alternate format services
  • Note-takers or taped lectures
  • Readers
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Realtime captioning

Academic accommodations are provided, including alternative testing arrangements, based on disability related needs under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Continuation of Services

It is the responsibility of the student with a disability to contact the office each semester for which they require accommodations, even if the same service was provided the previous semester. Students should make their accommodation requests to the coordinator of Disability Accommodation Services prior to classes, if at all possible, or immediately after the start of the semester. Delays in requesting services may cause a delay in service delivery.

Appointment Procedures

In an effort to provide the best quality services to all students, the following procedures for scheduling and maintaining appointments with Disability Accommodation Services have been established.

  1. The first two (2) weeks of each semester are designated as walk-in only. Walk-in hours will be posted throughout the Disability Accommodation Services area and in the Student Life front office. Only students with urgent needs who cannot make a scheduled walk-in time will be granted an appointment. All students are encouraged to meet with the coordinator of DAS during the first two weeks of classes to avoid a delay in the provision of accommodations.
  2. Same day appointments and walk-ins beyond the first two weeks of classes will be granted only in cases of urgent need and as schedule availability permits.
  3. Appointments may be scheduled in the Student Life front office by calling 805-437-8510 (V/TTY) or by emailing accommodations@csuci.edu. Students are responsible for keeping their scheduled appointments and notifying the Student Life office if they will be late or need to cancel. Students are encouraged to make timely requests for accommodations in advance of known need. A delay in making a request may result in a delay or denial of service.
  4. Scheduled appointments will be forfeited if the student is late by 20 minutes or more without notifying the office of the delay.
  5. A student who misses two (2) appointments without notifying the office to cancel must contact the DAS coordinator via telephone (805-437-8528) or email (terri.goldstein@csuci.edu) to appeal for an appointment to be scheduled.
  6. A student who misses three (3) appointments and has notified the office to cancel must contact the DAS coordinator via telephone (805-437-8528) or email (terri.goldstein@csuci.edu) to appeal for an appointment to be scheduled.

Counseling & Psychological Services [top]


Bell Tower Building
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

Counseling and Psychological Services provides high quality, confidential, short-term counseling free of charge to students. The counseling staff is committed to helping students develop their maximum potential while pursuing their educational and personal goals.

Counseling services include individual, and group counseling. Students come for counseling with a wide range of concerns, which may include:

  • getting along with roommates,
  • relationships,
  • self image and self esteem,
  • depression,
  • anxiety,
  • alcohol and drug concerns,
  • self-injury,
  • major direction in college,
  • recovering from abuse or assault,
  • body image,
  • eating disorders,
  • sexuality,
  • sexual orientation,
  • grief and loss, and
  • living with a disability.

When brief counseling is not sufficient, referral assistance to community mental health services and providers is available.

In addition, Counseling & Psychological Services provides a variety of psychoeducational presentations, workshops and coaching groups to assist students to successfully address the challenges of college life. Topics include:

  • Test Anxiety Management,
  • Time Management,
  • Surviving and Thriving with ADD,
  • Stress Management, and
  • Adjusting to College Life.

Counseling & Psychological Services works together with Disability Accommodation Services to consult with students with psychological disabilities and AD/HD to develop strategies to reduce impairment from a disabling condition.

Housing and Residential Education [top]


Anacapa Village
Fax: 805-437-8549
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

Unlike traditional campus housing, the University has constructed apartment-style living arrangements that are tailored for the academic-minded student who wants quality on-campus housing at a reasonable price. The apartments offer an array of amenities that are targeted toward enhancing the student's University experience.

The residence halls are not merely a place to eat and sleep. It is a community made up of students from a variety of ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds. The on-campus living experience at º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands is an integral part of the learning and educational process of students. In fact, the residence halls may provide one of the most rewarding and developmental experiences that students have at º£½ÇÉçÇø Channel Islands.

Student residential living at º£½ÇÉçÇøCI is unique in concept and design. To maintain the architectural integrity of the campus, each residential complex has been designed to reflect the Spanish-style architecture of the original buildings on campus that date back to the 1930s.

Students who are interested in learning more about the apartment-style residence halls of º£½ÇÉçÇøCI and their amenities should contact Housing and Residential Education at 805-437-2733 or via e-mail at student.housing@csuci.edu.

For off-campus housing information, please contact the Student Leadership and Community office at 805-437-8998.

Associated Students Incorporated [top]


Bell Tower Building
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

All registered students are members of Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) and pay both an associated student fee and a student body center fee as part of their registration. ASI is the umbrella organization for Student Government, Student Programming Board, the student newspaper, Channel Islands View, and the Nautical Yearbook.

Student Government (SG) is comprised of elected student leaders including a president, vice president, senate members, and ASI board members. The student government sets policy, provides student service programs, contributes input on University policies, and recommends students to serve on University advisory boards.

The Student Programming Board (SPB) is a select group of students who assist in the creation of activities and events on the º£½ÇÉçÇøCI campus. Their purpose is to plan, promote and produce a variety of student centered programs that are educational, cultural and social in nature.

The Channel Islands View student newspaper is written by and for students and is a forum for discussion of current topics as well as campus issues and events.

The Nautical Yearbook provides the campus community with a journalistically sound annual yearbook that is a culmination of the past academic year.

Community Responsibility and Student Conduct [top]


Bell Tower Building
Dean of Student Life office
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

The mission of Community Responsibility and Student Conduct is to develop, disseminate, interpret, and enforce campus regulations; to protect the relevant legal rights of students; to address student behavioral problems in an effective and educational manner; to facilitate and encourage respect for campus governance; and to provide learning experiences for students who participate in the operations of the judicial system.

New Student Orientation [top]


Bell Tower Building
Fax: 805-437-8529
V/TTY: 805-437-8510

New Student Orientation assists new students with their successful transition to º£½ÇÉçÇøCI. Orientations are offered to incoming freshman and transfer students prior to the start of the fall and spring semesters. These programs inform students about services and opportunities at º£½ÇÉçÇøCI while assisting them with the initial advising and registration process. Transfer students are strongly encouraged to attend New Student Orientation. Attendance for freshman is mandatory.

University Outreach Program [top]


Conference Center
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

The University Outreach Program is an early academic outreach program aimed at preparing and motivating low income and educationally disadvantaged elementary and middle school students to pursue and successfully complete a post secondary education. The goal of the program is to offer positive reinforcement to develop a commitment to higher education, the resources and awareness of educational options, and encouragement for students to plan and prepare academically and financially for college.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) [top]


Conference Center
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is designed to improve access and retention of low income and educationally disadvantaged students by providing active and targeted support aimed at increasing academic accomplishment and individual empowerment. The ultimate goal is to provide incoming students from disadvantaged backgrounds with the tools that will help them succeed in college and ultimately graduate from º£½ÇÉçÇø.

Student preparation and retention programs such as University Outreach and the Educational Opportunity Program provide the information necessary for students to learn about higher educational opportunities and assist them in qualifying for and gaining access to the program that meets their educational, vocational and social goals. Programs that provide retention services complement Outreach services by ensuring student support services will be available to students as they progress in their baccalaureate studies.

Recreation and Leisure Services [top]


Recreation Center
Arroyo Hall

Recreation and Leisure Services provides programming and activities in seven categories including: informal recreation, intramural sports, sports clubs, health and fitness, outdoor adventures, instructional programs and special events. The programming is structured to provide a variety of recreational opportunities for a diverse student population.

Student Leadership and Community [top]


Bell Tower Building
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

Student Leadership and Community provides leadership opportunities for students and is directly responsible for a variety of exciting campus activities and events. Some of these events include the Welcome Barbecue, Family Weekend, and Dolphin Days, as well as various cultural heritage observances. In addition to increasing the vitality and culture of the campus, student clubs and organizations provide leadership opportunities and community service. Student organizations foster interest and education in a variety of areas ranging from sports to politics. Student Leadership and Community is ready to provide assistance and direction for the implementation, growth and development of all new and continuing clubs and organizations. Students who are interested in leadership opportunities, want to get involved with a club or organization, or just want to find out what is happening on campus should stop by the Student Leadership and Community office.

The Hub [top]


The Hub
Fax: 805-437-8529
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

The Hub is located on the northwest corner of the campus. The Hub is a great place to meet and chat with other students, and enjoy recreational activities such as billiards and chess. It is equipped with a big screen TV, a game room, computers with Internet access, a cozy place to read, and a snack area.

Multicultural and Women's & Gender Center [top]


Bell Tower Building, Room 1805
Fax: 805-437-3268
805-437-8510 (V/TTY)

The mission of the Multicultural and Women's & Gender Center is to educate students on issues of diversity and equality, to advocate for underrepresented groups on campus, to affirm and celebrate the unique heritage of our students, promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation for all peoples and cultures, to be a uniting force on campus, and to foster an environment that is emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually safe, and beneficial to all areas of student life and development.

It is the Center's goal to be more proactive than reactive by encouraging collaboration and dialogue between students, faculty, staff, and administrators of diverse backgrounds, and by being a forum, through which people can communicate, voice their concerns, and learn from one another.

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